DECLASSIFIED Tests Reveal Government Dark Side

"Yea, that would explain allot man, definitely"...

Disclaimer: I don't necessarily agree with everything in this video. Ya' know, like the real 'out there' (excessively paranoia) stuff? But pretty much post this interview here, because of the Blog Post Title. (And the initial subject matter). Note: The video with the interview I am referring to has since been removed...

However, with that said, I do believe THERE IS a 'Dark Side' of the Government; or what some call: 'The Deep State' or 'The Shadow Government' for example, etc. And quite possibly, some kind of alternate agenda if you will, by these same individuals, to a certain degree. I mean, you just have to look at the events of 9/11 for example, which I think was a BIG revelation (in plain sight) that something was DEFINITELY going on, (and may have even been the beginning of something that was planned for some time), especially when you look at the footage of Building 7 collapsing into its own footprint without a plane even hitting it for instance! (And it shouldn't take a rocket scientist to see that). And, it very well could be, that among that same faction of psychopaths that were (ultimately) behind those events, could very well be behind this alleged NASA document spoken of by the woman in this video. Which is KINDA' interesting to say the least! (If real). Another thing though, one has to consider, is the 'reverse psychology' thing that could also be used to label the government in and of itself as being bad. And therefore, ALL government programs (including those that are designed to help people), and institutions are bad and should be eliminated, for instance. Which, as we have seen, is a big propaganda tool that is often used by the far-right for example. (And when those institutions do become fundamentally corrupt, and therefore are not effectively performing the service and duties they are supposed to perform, for the benefit of the general public, of course, gives more ammunition to those on the far-right that all government is bad, and those particular institutions, or public services, should just be eliminated altogether, instead of fixed, and the corruption rooted out). That is the irony here. In other words, it has to first pass the common sense test, to really determine that. (Like Obama Care vs a 'Public Option' for instance). Because, the only role the government should really play, is to serve the people. That's why they are called: "Public Servants." (Duh). When anyone in the government (or public service) becomes anything but that, or are only there to serve their own self-interests, (and even worse, actually become a danger to the very people they are elected to serve and protect), to be quite frank, then they become virtually useless! And I do not believe, (or to be honest, do not WANT to believe myself) that absolutely 'EVERYONE' in our government is really like that. Just look at someone like a Senator Bernie Sanders, (and some others), for instance. (But it sure seems to me, that there does appear to be those inside AND outside our government who do seem to have their own selfish, and even criminal agenda. Unfortunately. And I think that's what we are seeing going on here). Although, for what should be obvious reasons, it does appear our government is severely broken right now. The lines have been blurred, and President Eisenhower (of all people) warned us of some of these very things over 50 years ago already! (In other words, this shouldn't be just a left or right issue). Gonna' leave it at that...
Update/Aug 21st, 2018: Video that I comment on above has since been removed from YouTube, have to check out that particular link above...

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