An Interesting Message from Allison DuBois & The Subject of: Adults With Abilities...

I have always considered Allison DuBois a fascinating individual, for more reasons then one, since first seeing the hit series "Medium" on T.V. when I lived in Maryland... 

She has given some credence and credibility to other sincere people who genuinely have abilities. Sorta' like allowing them to "come out of the closet" (in a way), if you will, without the stigma attached to it, or for fear of being labelled "crazy" or "delusional." 

I believe allot of people have some kind of intuition, though some more then others. (I mean, if you work in law enforcement, it is key to being a good Detective and a good Investigator, for instance. Ya' know, that 'gut feeling,' combined with intelligence and common sense, and character?) And, I strongly believe, character is key. What is really in your heart and soul, sets some apart from others. In other words, "The Universe" knows who it can trust, and therefore reveals things to certain individuals, sometimes in a very profound way, whether you are searching for it or not, that can even be quite scary at times; and can sometimes even be quite difficult to come to grips with for some people, from what I understand, and for reasons I can definitely relate to myself. Especially, if you are a 'sensible' person by nature. (And that is partly the reason at least, why I am taking a chance and sharing some of my own thoughts and experiences here; for other like-minded individuals). This is part of the mystery of it all. Hence the saying: "there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed". (Most of the prophets in the Bible, including Jesus, who supposedly made that statement for example, if at least some of the stories are true, were most likely psychic in some way themselves). 

I have also learned over the years, in my study of the subject itself, that there are different kinds of psychic ability. Allison DuBois, for example, is considered to be a: "Psychic-Medium"...

First let me say, (with all due respect), that I am not a big fan of Pat Robertson, (and know he has said some pretty crazy stuff over the years, and do not believe in many of his views, especially in relation to politics), but being that this post is about "Adults with Abilities", I thought it was kind of relevant in a way, and worth posting here, because it also provides allot of food for thought...

Having an open mind to begin with, that's how it at least was for me anyway, when I first came across his teaching on the subject about: 'The Gift of Discernment' some years ago. I definitely think there is something to it, and I think it also sorta' like provides a needed distinction between something that is rooted in the light, rather then something that has its origins from somewhere else, if you know what I mean? As scary as this so-called "gift" can be. (And I have reason to believe myself, that IT IS an authentic "gift" mind you, and very real). And, when you combine it with psychic ability and insight, it can so to speak, blow your mind! As I definitely could relate myself to what Robertson said about the woman who actually prayed to God to take the ability away, as if God had just like dumped it on her unawares one day! It can be that scary. But also, quite revealing, to say the least. (Believe it or not). I still don't fully understand it, but I think it may only be given to certain people, for a reason. I guess...

What I do know however, is that the 'Gift of Discernment' (which is very similar to psychic ability in itself), is connected to the "Charismatic" (and "Pentecostal") movement within the Catholic Church, and some of the Protestant/Evangelical Churches, and is considered to be one of the "7 Gifts of The Spirit", I believe...

For instance, when my friend Dave and I many years ago, were invited to play Guitar for a Charismatic Prayer Group at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church back in Lindenhurst, Long Island, they had this 7 week course called: 'The Life In The Spirit Seminar', from what I remember. If you were invited, or say, wanted to attend, at the end of the 7 weeks they would anoint your head with oil, lay hands on you, while praying over you, and ask God to fill you with his Spirit - and to bestow on you one or more of the so-called 'Charismatic Gifts'; sometimes asking the individual who they were laying hands on, if they knew what particular gift they wanted. (Or something like that). And so, (with all due respect), 'The Gift of Discernment' seems to be like some kind of spiritual acid trip! And you really have to have your head together, or learn pretty fast. And then, sort it out from there. Looking back on it all, one should definitely be prepared, and not take it lightly. I mean, they put oil on your head and pray over you! And in a certain way, I think. I guess, it's sorta' like messin' with a Ouji Board in a way, but on the other side of the fence! You have to take it seriously...

The thing that really caught me by surprise, regarding this brief teaching by Pat Robertson though, (and mostly the reason why I share it here) is that, he also talks about psychic ability as well, and sorta' like the relationship and similarity between the two gifts. Because, both these abilities are kinda' like related to the supernatural, and ARE rooted in the spirit world in some way. "Bring it on" is right...

Note: Noticed that the embed feature no longer works for this video. Here is the link: Bring It On: Discerning of Spirits

This is one of the particular things that so fascinates me about Allison DuBois, the fact that she actually had the good fortune to sorta' like work as a Psychic Detective, if you will, for the Phoenix District Attorney, who seemed to be an honest and decent man, (as well as some decent people within law enforcement), who believed in her, and provided her the opportunity to use her abilities to help people in (allegedly) solving some pretty tough crimes. Which is mostly what the hit series "Medium" was all about. She just briefly touches upon the psychic profiler thing in the following interview. Some other interesting videos here as well...




I was really blown away when the man giving the interview in the following video had asked Allison DuBois one question in particular, that really took me by surprise, and didn't expect to hear. It was particularly interesting to me, for a reason. And, that is the question he put to Allison when he asked: "do children who are dead grow?" Now, the reason I had found this question to be so very interesting, is that I had picked-up on the spirit of Caylee Anthony, while I was still living in Maryland, very strongly. So much so, that to say it took me by surprise, would be a gross understatement in itself! (It seemed to occur, after I first learned about the story from the sister of a friend, who I inadvertently met and would sometimes communicate with on Social Media; and then, after I started to see some more details about what had happened in the news); and eventually, these experiences moved me so much, that I just had to write a song about her. Which eventually turned out to be the: 'Song For Caylee.'

And, among the other things that just totally blew me away as well, was the fact, that I definitely got the impression, (although I couldn't see her with my physical eyes mind you), that she was sorta' like growing up, or maturing in some way. (I actually started to feel her presence after a particular news story on T.V., when I suddenly got this rather strong impression that her spirit was sorta' like walking around lost in some kind of void; and then being moved with such deep compassion, that I actually said a prayer to God for her in the name of Jesus! Because, I really didn't know what else to do. In other words, if I could have given my own life to save her, or prevent her from going through whatever she went through, I would have. But that was supposedly already done. Hence, the reason why I invoked the name of Jesus. And then, I got the feeling that she actually saw him. And from then on, her spirit was like around me. I don't get it, but that's what I was picking-up, very strongly. Like she appreciated it, and was grateful for my concern for her). There were many other things I was picking-up about her that I am still having a hard time wrapping my mind around, (that also made me very sad, and very angry); including the fact, (and this is the first time I have ever publicly mentioned this, except on my personal Facebook profile), that I also believe I saw someone who was either directly responsible for her death, or who was directly involved in some way. (And he lived in Maryland! And he sorta' like schizophrenically knew when I was picking-up on it. Almost like he was waiting for it. And then, he validated it. And I definitely got the impression, and could see, that he got off on it! I also got the distinct impression, that he actually talked about what he had done, in some way, to a cop from the area! After he sorta' like knew I was kinda' like picking up on it all, and may have even mentioned this to the cop; and the cop did nothing! But it sorta' like fit the profile of the area where I lived never-the-less). I'm gonna leave it at that, because I know how it sounds. But I am sure of it. That's how strong the impression was. It was like her spirit was around me for some reason, and for some time, and she recognized him!!! (And it seemed to be during a time when I was reviewing some camera video clips one morning; one of which eventually wound up in the 'Mid-December' music-video. That's when he just happened to pull up perpendicular to me in his driveway about 30 minutes later, as I was leaving for work! That was his sick way of validating it for me, I strongly believe. It's always the way. He validated things in other ways as well, and made it a point to make me hear some pretty strange stuff within ear range. Some kind of loose Renegade/'Operative', that made even the worst of them cringe? May be. One thing is for sure, something was definitely going on, and in more ways then one; and they believed at least, that I would eventually figure it all out. That's what I was very strongly picking-up, anyway).

As one can see, from some of my other posts about the place where I was living in Maryland, was that I did live in a VERY strange area to begin with. In fact, it was the place where they actually traced the source of the anthrax attacks! And went through some pretty heavy duty stuff there myself. Have to leave it at that for now. But, let me just say this much, I definitely did not expect to write what I just wrote. It just sorta' came-out man. But, I'm gonna (somewhat reluctantly) leave it, and dedicate it to the beautiful spirit of that little girl, who definitely deserved better then what had (allegedly) happened to her, (to say the least); and much to my surprise, had inspired and moved me more then words could ever begin to express...




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