Dec. 21st, 2012 - What does it all mean?

Being that today's date, from what I understand, is supposed to be very significant, and has been anticipated and spoken about, for quite some time, I have tried to do my own research on the subject; And the fact, that this is supposedly the official end of the Mayan calendar, for example, has also been something worth noteing, I guess. Because, from what I understand, it is also supposed to be the end of some kind of 26,000 year lunar cycle. Something, that doesn't happen too often. (Of course). To say the least! But anyway, being something that supposedly only happens once every 26,000 years, I just had to blog about it; And thought I would look for (and post) a video that pretty-much sums up what allot of people seem to be talking about. It's very interesting stuff, for sure. But what does it all mean, really?

I definitely was not aware of most of this stuff when we came-up with the name, "The New Era", for our band, all those years ago. So, any similarities are totally coincidental, and not deliberate. Like when things such as a "new era" and all, are sort of like mentioned in different contexts, and the like. It's a nice idea though, now that I think about it. And maybe, that's what I was trying to say in a way, in my bio, for instance; about the group, the idea, and the name, "sort of like taking on a life of its own", and all, over time. Even, if it's just in things like these simple blog posts, for example. Or, whatever the case may be. I mean, let's face it. We all have free will. And no one can squeeze water from a stone. Only many like-minded individuals believing in (and acting on) the same positive message, or thing, can bring about real change, for the better. (Like in the movie: "Pay It Forward", for example). Even if it started, or starts, with something like only three people, for instance. Like how the musical group, "The New Era", started in the first place. It started very small. And still is. (In fact, for some time now it has been just me keeping the brand name alive, for instance)...

We never set-out to be some kind of "Messiah" band, in the first place. (As the name can sort of like be interpreted). We initially started the group, with some seriousness, (because we did have that side to us), but basically, just to have fun really; like most young kids are wont to do. (Although, very beyond our years). And, the trials of life can certainly make one very serious, and contemplative, very fast. Whether you like it or not! In other words, we just took one day at a time. And, never looked at "making it", as they say, as something to be grasped at. You know? Like, sacrificing your integrity and stepping all over people to get there? Or, "selling your soul to the devil", (as the saying goes); and aligning yourself with the wrong people in order to achieve some kind of fleeting, false success. We just loved music, and wanted to do the right thing; (At least, I did). And realised, that we still had to survive in the real world. Because, even though we were dreamers, as anyone has to be in order to be successful in pretty much anything, to a certain extent, we were also realists, and knew we had to still make a living in the secular world, like most other people. So, we did what we could, and left the idea, the music, and the dream, (and what we couldn't do) to a higher power (and authority), and (possible) purpose, if you will, then what we were capable of achieving on our own. Sort of like, that "Hebrew National" commercial, I guess. (Only kidding). But, that's all I am saying about this for now. (Way too personal)...

Never-the-less, life is definitely a mystery, man. (As we can see in this video here). Because, what does it all mean? When you really think about it. Right? For, in the end (it very well may be), as in the lyrics from the song: "Nature Boy", "the greatest thing that one can (ever really) learn, is just to love and be loved in return."

Makes sense to me. By the way, check this out. I originally posted this on my Facebook page...


Planetary alignment that supposedly took place on Dec. 3rd, 2012 was a dead-on alignment with the Pyramids at Giza.

Planet inline: Mercury / Venus / Saturn

Incredibly, this wasn't even reported in the media! (At least, from what I could see).

I mean, this was a really big deal; and an incredibly extraordinary, celestial event. I don't get it? (At least, not right now anyway).

And, how could anyone, let alone such an ancient civilization like the Egyptians have predicted something like this, with such accuracy no less? And over 2000 years before it actually happened, at that?! And why? What does it mean? And, not to even mention that it is really sort of like in conjunction with, and parallel to, the Mayan Calendar thing. Definite mind-blower for sure, in my opinion...

You know, it's funny, but there is a line in the song "A Broken Path" that goes: "when the stars align with eternity, then what we see will be..."

The song was written and recorded several years before I even learned about the above event, and the lyrics (at this point in the song at least) were sort of written 'tongue in cheek' (as the saying goes) and in the abstract, and therefore totally unintentionally related to the above subject. And, of course, (neither here nor there), but it also doesn't take into account the intentions of bad people, who, as it has sort of like been pretty much since the beginning of civilization, (like a cancer on humanity), will almost always try to selfishly interfere with anything good and potentially positive, (that can also have a positive effect on one's life), no matter what it is; and/or try to use it only to their advantage and benefit, at the expense of everyone else, especially in relation to their attempt to oppress, torment, and harass the good, and the just. But in the end, quite possibly ensuring their very own self-destruction, because of an unwritten law, (and sometimes even written, by some of the ancient sages for instance), that very well may be incorporated into the very fabric of the universe itself.

For, as the ancient proverb goes: "there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed." The Conscious Universe, as I and others like to refer to it, because of its universality, (no pun intended), so it would seem, appears to always have a way of revealing these things to those who are truly wise, and whose heart is in the right place, (such as some of the ancient prophets for example), to potentially bring about justice, and to give humanity, for instance, an opportunity to heal (and redeem) itself, and recover; or to repeat the same deliberate mistakes of the past. 

Does the Universe therefore have an ultimate solution for the innocent and the just, who are not willingly a part of the errors of the deliberately misguided, and those (sociopaths) who always seem to be bent on mutual self-destruction and ultimate annihilation?

Who knows. But we may yet find out. I mean, evolution is a scientific fact for sure. (In fact, we may still be evolving now, in a way), but the odds that the world and everything in it created itself, (especially, in relation to the creation and sustaining of life), is beyond astronomical odds; it's virtually impossible. But yet, the very word itself when broken down reads: 'Im-Possible'! Try to wrap your mind around that one...

Note: The initial video that I had posted here (above) has since been blocked in the United States on copyright grounds; and it went into great lengths to describe the significance of this date within the New Age movement. The current video I have here, is basically a replacement to fill that gap...

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