John Lennon's death, 30 years later...

Today is already the 30th anniversary of the violent death of John Lennon, at the hands of a deranged, sick, freak. (And crazed fan). He will always be remembered by those of us, whom his magical life had touched, in so many ways. I post this video in his honour, and in rememberance of him. It is my way of paying tribute to a legend, who helped change the course of music, history, and our culture. He was a genius, whose spirit and dreams live on for many of us. May God rest his soul... 

And speaking of John Lennon, here is an incredible (and fascinating) documentary, based on a particular period in his life, that seems to credibly make the case, that there may have actually been some type of conspiracy against him! (And I guess, which also seems to indicate, that even though there may be "good guys", you may also, unfortunately, sometimes have "bad guys" within the government, as well; who may actually have their own negative agenda. And, who also, may very well, by that very fact, like anything else, have access to the latest in high technology. Depending on the particular situation. And maybe even, in relation to the nature of the crime(s) itself; and who may be involved. Among other things. So it would seem). 

The documentary is called: "The U.S. vs. John Lennon"  Check it out...


I can (personally) relate to the following song in more ways then one. Because, it not only reminds me of John Lennon, but also very much reminds me of my good friend and fellow musician: "John Sullivan", who passed away about 10 yrs after this song was first released. (See "The Summer Wind" and "Sterling Place" song/blog posts). In fact, it still kinda' gives me goosebumps every time I listen to it, as I can still remember knocking on John's door at the Sterling Place Boarding house in Amityville (shortly before I actually moved there myself for a short period of time), as we were practicing some songs to record in the studio, (sorta' like jokingly singing the words from this song as I was knocking on his door: "Johnny can't you come out to play?") while informing him that I had just heard the song myself for the first time on my car radio during the ride over from Lindenhurst. Wow...

Also, very interesting Blog Post, that Mark David Chapman deliberately opened himself up to some kind of Demonic influence (and Satanism) at certain times in his life, and, whether or not you believe that this stuff exists, (it doesn't matter, because you see, they believe it), would never-the-less kinda' explain such an incredibly bizarre and evil act, in the senseless murder of John Lennon, in several ways...

In fact, from what I understand, Chapman had even mentioned this in his interview with Barbara Walters some years ago already.

However, in my own personal opinion (and in the opinion of many others), there very well could possibly be more to it then even just that...

Bottom line though, I think Chapman was basically just insanely jealous of the guy. Could he have therefore been used by others (just as insane) who quite possibly may have wanted Lennon out of the way, and even dead? Absolutely. He definitely fits the psychological profile. And, that is usually the psychology of the Demonic anyway, (and the really insane, lunatic types), in that they will first try to destroy you in some way, (by lies, deception, and slander), to even get one in a situation where murder itself is quite often the final act. The Demonic is considered by those familiar with the supernatural, to be malevolent and insane by its very nature to begin with, and will look for an opening in certain types of individuals who may be psychologically pre-dispositioned, if you will, to deep evil in the first place. As well as, to certain institutions, entities, groups, or factions, that they are usually drawn and attracted to...

(The Demonic almost always operates in the realm of the insane. Whether blatantly obvious, or somewhat subtle).

Criminal psychopaths are almost always used, and will actually make an effort to seek out the target in some way. Chapman was so deranged and negatively obsessed with Lennon, that he actually signed John Lennon's name on his last day of work at the hospital he was employed at! (From what I understand). And, contrary to popular belief, he was not necessarily a depressed loner, either. In his own words, things were going pretty well for him before he set-out on his mission. He was recently (and somewhat happily) married, had a decent job, and a nice apartment in Hawaii at the time...

However, I have found, that this is quite often a tactic, and a common thread, that usually does indicate some type of conspiracy, by very wacked-out individuals, who very well may have deep, corrupt, ties. You know? "The 'lone' gunman"? "The 'lone' killer"? "The 'lone' Scientist". "He was a loner", etc. 

The same goes for the name. They always try to get someone, or portray someone with a middle name. Have you ever noticed that? (And I think Lennon was sort of like a firm believer in this himself). For instance: "Lee Harvey Oswald"; "John Wilkes Booth"; And of course: "Mark David Chapman". Why? Because their "SICKOS"!!! They're criminally insane! And, it's usually an indication that it also goes pretty high-up. (It's like their fingerprint, if you will). Hence, their usual brazeness. They will usually even give strong and obvious hints of their crime or crimes. (That anyone with half a brain should easily pick-up on, and realize something is going on). Because, they get-off on it. And the real psychos really relish, say, being given the opportunity of committing the crime, or even saying the crime, using some off-the-cuff remarks for instance, say, near a police station for example. So, they can really psychologically effect the intended victim into thinking for instance, in a 'negatively' cynical way of course, that 'all' cops and law enforcement are corrupt, and/or therefore deliberately stupid. "After all, just look at J. Edgar Hoover, he was just a mentally unbalanced cross-dresser, who targeted innocent people, like civil rights leader Martin Luther King, and John Lennon, and even denied the existence of Organized Crime when they had 'the goods' on him. There is therefore no hope for you." Etc. You get the picture...

In fact, watch out. When they start asking you if you have a middle name on more then one occasion; it very well may mean that you are dealing with (much to their relish) a very sick individual, who may be linked to other very sick, like-minded, koo, koo, heads, and very serious, sneaky, and dangerous criminals as well; and, that it just may be their way of letting you know, in their own certifiably insane manner, that they have concocted some kind of deranged plan, and may actually be trying to set you up in some way. Maybe, even for their own crimes! (It's the brazen thing again. Believe me, I know).

Being "sneaky" (and "creepy"), and malevolent "eavesdropping", is usually another attribute of a true lunatic, negatively shrewd, psycho; who will usually say some pretty insane stuff in your presence, (with other people in their hearing) just to let you know that he has been working overtime on your behalf, trying to find out personal things about you, targeting you, and lying about you behind your back... 

For instance, you may show up to work one day, or anywhere, and all of a sudden, people (or a certain person) may be treating (or reacting to) you differently then the day before, and you notice the criminal psychotic has a strange chesire cat-like grin on his face, and is talking strange sh*t to taunt you. He (or they) may even deliberately try to walk into you and the like, to heighten their experience, and in an attempt to provoke you, and cause you a greater amount of mental and emotional stress, for instance. For, like Ted Bundy, for example, they are almost "always" sadists, as well as, pathological liars. In fact, that is one of their major trademarks. In fact, they may actually say to other people that 'you' remind them of say, Ted Bundy yourself! Or, Son of Sam, or whatever. And then, maybe at that point, the false stories come in. They may even say off-the-cuff remarks like: "suicide", "murder", "Satan", "break-down", (meaning of course, for example, that they want to give you a mental breakdown, even though they know you have done nothing to deserve that kind of deliberate, unprovoked, incredibly deep malice), "chosen", "prophecy", "police", "calm-down", "Are you excited?" "He's excited!" "Conspiracy", "The President"! etc. (for no apparent reason), that sort of like indicates what they are up to, and to have a negative effect on you psychologically, and to cause you fear, that there is no escape from this situation, for instance. (Because, a big, main tactic of the Demonic is always to attempt to work on your psychology, to get you from thinking positive and having hope, to get you to think negatively, to cause you fear, and to despair; and almost always uses evil people to attempt to achieve that. Hence, the incredibly bizarre, off-the-cuff remarks).

To attempt to rattle you even further, they may even then actually follow with saying things such as how much they like their Church! etc. (And in such a way, that they are also really indirectly mocking God and his love for you and any positive purpose he may have for your life). The real, obvious demonic influence usually displays itself however, in ways such as, deliberate snorting noises in your presence, really disgusting language, that usually involves things related to excrement, personal body parts, and the like.

The psychopath(s) (or sociopath(s) may even (with deep venom) keep referencing a girl you may have known, just to let you know once again, that they have been negatively looking into your personal life, and that maybe something even bigger is going on; And, almost constantly, with demonic relentlessness, say incredibly bizarre things, with emphasis on certain words like: "She is not here." "Do you want to talk to her?" "Here 'she' is." "Here 'he' is." "I'll let 'her' know", etc. And, in a way that sort of like indicates that he (and/or they) may even be creating false stories around it; again, to sort of like work on you psychologically. The one who has discernment, will usually recognize that the person (or persons) are deliberately being influenced by the demonic. (Anyone with half a brain for that matter, will recognize that the person is at least extremely disturbed, and a freakin' moron!) Especially, when in the same breath, they will usually, in sort of like the same sentence, throw-out words in a disparate, incredibly deranged manner, like: "it hurts", "murder", etc. (And, sort of like, in malevolent, demonic talk, if you will, give away their sick plan). For, "if the shoe fits they will wear it". That's when you realize, (much to their delight) that you are dealing with a REAL criminal. (Or "criminals"). And someone, who very well may even be extremely dangerous. And, who is (obviously) most likely even criminally insane, (and a criminal psychopath), and willingly latching on to whatever is going on. He (and/or they) may even promise certain unscrupulous individuals, or not, (who may be cut from the same cloth, or not), money from some kind of criminal plan that they may be involved in, if they would just sort of like "jump on the bandwagon" in some way...

As you can see, I have become like an expert on this kind of stuff myself, (for reasons that I am not fully going to get into here), and the psychology of the truly 'worst of the worst'. (For example, when it came to my own life for instance, I would sort a' like say to myself: "Why does this seem to be my luck all the time? Hmm, who and/or what is really 'ultimately' behind this?" And, "will anyone truly do the right thing? Or, will it be the same ole', same ole'?" As you hear and see the clues, and the validations. And that's when I realize that I can only do so much, and have to sort a' like just let it go and leave the rest to God's judgement, if you will. But that's beside's the point).

Well, there ya' go. I've figured it out. How 'bout you?

You know, it's funny, but I also get the distinct impression, that there are those within our government, mostly on the far-right, that do not like the Lennon's. And I mean, really do not like them, because of John. So, there very well may be more to his assassination then meets the eye. And, our nation has a long history of this kind of stuff. What other nation, for instance, except the real bottom of the barrel, backwater, third-world type, actually assassinates their own presidents? None. Zilch! Gee, I wonder what kind of people we are mostly going to attract to our country then? Hmm...

So, if as some are saying, that there are individuals within high places that are into this "Illuminati" stuff, and the dark side of the Occult (like Hitler and the Nazis were), for instance, we definitely got problems...

I find that John Lennon was therefore a very interesting person, in more ways then one; (and who, curiously, I could even relate to myself in some ways), as I learned more and more about him in relation to these things, as I got older. But anyway, here is the blog post, into the mind of the very sick man who wanted to put an end to his life. And, sort of like a chapter right out of Psychotic Criminal Psychology 101.

In fact, if someone similar to him could be reading and watching for this blog post, he would be. If you know that I mean? Wink...  The Lennon

Well, being that we are on this topic of John Lennon and all, I also recently found this very interesting post in this Facebook page 'Note' that completely blew me away (as the saying goes), for several reasons. It's called: John Lennon's Born-Again Phase 

First of all, I was not aware of this myself, as I can sort of understand why, because it is a side of John Lennon that I'm sure he would consider quite personal to begin with. Secondly, it contains a letter to an Evangelist by the name of Oral Roberts, and whose TV show I used to sometimes watch, (and a person who I would sometimes correspond with) myself, when I lived back on Long Island, and who was someone who sort of like had an influence on my own life at the time, in relation to his positive teachings about Jesus and Christianity, (and "positive" thinking in general), and during a time when my friend Dave and I went through sort of like a study of Christianity phase ourselves when we were invited to play guitar at a Charismatic Prayer Group at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Lindenhurst. (Although, it was Dave himself who initially introduced me to the whole Christian 'Conversion' thing, before I even knew what it was myself). In fact, there seemed to be something of a revival within much of the Catholic and Protestant Church's at the time, commonly known as the Charismatic Movement within the Catholic Church, and the Pentecostal Movement within some of the Protestant Churches.

But anyway, here is a copy of the post, and the article. And I just want to make one thing clear here, that none of the Lennon family, or anyone close to John for that matter, has ever verified this as being true, as far as I know at this time...

John Lennon's Born-Again Phase

"Can He love me?" the former Beatle asked Oral Roberts. "I want out of hell."
An excerpt from The Gospel According to the Beatles by Steve Turner (from the magazine Christianity Today 1st March 1977)
In March 1977 Yoko traveled with John Green to Catagena in Colombia to meet a witch who had been recommended to her as someone "who could do anything." Green had to accompany her to check out the witch's validity. Yoko paid the witch sixty thousand dollars to perform a series of rituals culminating in the sacrifice of a dove. When they returned to New York; Yoko insisted that they had to fly via Los Angeles and Alaska to avoid having to fly in a northeasterly direction because she believed this would bring her bad fortune.
Next came one of the most extraordinary turnabouts in John's life. A television addict for many years (it was his way of looking at the world since he could no longer walk around anonymously), he enjoyed watching some of America's best-known evangelists—Pat Robertson, Billy Graham, Jim Bakker, and Oral Roberts. In 1972 he had written a desperate letter to Roberts confessing his dependence on drugs and his fear of facing up to "the problems of life." He expressed regret that he had said that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus and enclosed a gift for the Oral Roberts University. After quoting the line "money can't buy me love" from "Can't Buy Me Love" he said, "It's true. The point is this, I want happiness. I don't want to keep on with drugs. Paul told me once, 'You made fun of me for taking drugs, but you will regret it in the end.' Explain to me what Christianity can do for me. Is it phoney? Can He love me? I want out of hell."
Roberts sent him a copy of his book Miracle of Seed Faith and several letters explaining basic Christian beliefs. In the second of his letters Roberts said:
"John, we saw you and the Beatles on television when you first came to America. Your talent with music was almost awesome and your popularity touched millions. Your influence became so widespread and powerful that your statement-the Beatles are more popular than Jesus- might have had some truth in it at that moment. But you know, our Lord said, I am alive for ever more. People, the Bible says, are like sheep and are often fickle, following this one day and something else the next. However, there are millions who have received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and have been filled with the Holy Spirit. They love him. To them He is the most wonderful and popular man who ever lived because he is the Son of God and His name endures.
I thank God that you see this, John, and finally regret thinking any man or group could be more popular than Jesus. Jesus is the only reality. It is Jesus who said "I am the way, the truth, and the life." So, you see, your statement that because of your hard background you've never wanted to face reality is actually really saying you've never wanted to face our loving Lord. What I want to say, as I tried to say in my other letter, is that Jesus, the true reality, is not hard to face. He said, "Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. … For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." You said, John, that you take drugs because reality frightens you. Remember as you open your life to Jesus, He will take all the fear away and give you peace. Peace that passes all understanding."
This correspondence and his exposure to TV evangelism didn't appear to have any effect until John suddenly announced to close friends in the spring of 1977 that he'd become a born-again Christian. He had been particularly moved by the U.S. television premiere of Franco Zeffirelli's Jesus of Nazareth, starring Robert Powell as Jesus, which NBC showed in two three-hour segments on Palm Sunday, April 3, 1977. A week later, on Easter day, he took Yoko and Sean to a local church service.

Here is something else that is really interesting, that may lend some validity to the above article...