The Actor Who Is Always Fighting Evil...

AIKIDO - The art of using (and redirecting) your opponent's own negative (and malevolent) energy against them, in a non-malevolent manner...

I have to be honest, I currently kinda have mixed feelings about Steven Seagal, but have always really dug (and could sorta' like relate to) some of his action flicks, where he always seems to be fighting evil, and corruption; and also think he is a brilliant martial artist. Here is a rare interview I just inadvertently came across recently on YouTube, and was impressed enough to want to save it, and even share it here...

Note: Had to replace the original video, because according to YouTube, it was no longer available in this country. Shame...

Kinda reminds me of the days when I used to study Jiu-Jitsu (which is very similar to Aikido) back in a Dojo on Long Island, where I used to often get the sh*t kicked-out of me, and come home with bruises all over my body, on more then one occasion. I loved it! (Sorta).

Just noticed that the above comment is in reference to a video that I had to remove, because it has since been deleted from YouTube. It was a video of Seagal acting as a Sensei at a Dojo. Yea, the bruises I was talking about are in relation to certain scenario training. For instance, one particular scenario was say, against several attackers. 1 with a knife, 1 with a club, and 1 with a gun, for example. Of course, all the weapons were basically either made of wood or plastic, but they were solid, and they definitely stung. The particular style of Jiu-Jitsu that I studied and practiced for around 2-1/2 yrs, at one of the oldest Martial Arts Schools back on Long Island, is VERY advanced, ancient, and rooted in eastern mysticism. Allot of it is interconnected with the mind and psychology, and enmeshed with things related to one's spirit, and the Universe, and really takes years to master, but never really leaves you. It actually gets into your soul. It is like made for people who are very perceptive. It actually, sorta like clings to people with psychic ability. (Aikido actually came from this particular style of Jiu-Jitsu, of which name I am not going to mention here, because of the perception thing. Too deep). In fact, it is really not even necessarily dependent on physical strength. Which is why it also had allot of female adherents who used to come to the school. Yet, the head Sensei, and founder of this particular school, was a Warrant Officer. In other words, he went after criminals who definitely did not want to get caught; similar to a Bounty Hunter. Neither here nor there, but I also studied Aikido for a rather short time, after I had moved to Maryland, to sorta like see for myself the certain similarities between the two arts...

In fact, I can still remember (before I got my PortaStudio and got back into recording my music) checking out one particular Martial Arts School while living in Maryland, and having a conversation with the head instructor. He told me that allot of people who work in the Washington DC area train at the school; and as we were talking (and this was still some months before the events of 9/11/2001 and the subsequent anthrax attacks) he interestingly told me something to this effect: "You have some seriously sick motherfu*kers who work for our government." And then, curiously stopped talking about it, when someone happened to walk into the Dojo! I kid you not. But was soon to find out, in a way. I can still remember, that what really struck me about what he said, was not only the particular choice of words that he had used, but also the way that he had said it. (Especially, since he was a Sensei and all, and a pretty laid-back individual, like myself. But once again, could later relate). And for my own documenting purposes here, and while I'm on this, I am also getting a VERY strong impression that the people, mostly from the area and who very well may have attended the School, and who were involved in this whole abomination (9/11 and the Anthrax Attacks that is) had seen my post on Google+ about this (before that site was taken down) some time ago already (and now) are very nervous about this, and want to know exactly who he is, is the best I can describe the feeling. Sorta' like, very worried about him being a witness to at least what he may have heard, and what he therefore knows, just like they are VERY worried (in a sick sorta' way of course) about me, and what I may know. And also, because they know I'm fuckin' smarter then just about everybody else. And that's not bragging. 'Cause I paid a heavy price for being the way I am. (And I still maintain that it crosses state lines). In fact, I am also getting a VERY strong impression that this is really not over. That this was only like the first phase. I am seeing it too clear to be wrong. And being that they were never really brought to justice to begin with, in itself, gives me a GREAT deal of concern; because it leads me to believe that this IS really big, among other things. Only God knows all things at all times, with absolute certainty at all times (I guess) but when I am sure about something, I am NEVER, EVER wrong! One way, or the other. (Just sayin'). And they DEFINITELY know who I am, and I am sure, checking out this website, and my other social media sites. (In fact, I'm not only sure of it, but have seen it validated in different ways, that should alarm any normal, sane person, as it has alarmed me). It's always the way. Therefore, enough said. Except, to say, that it DEFINITELY goes high up (and a large Defense Contractor is involved, as before) and to watch what happens coming out of the Mainstream Media, and what some of the pundits say. They also know, I know. For instance, I've particularly noticed, some extremely disturbing things said on The Rachel Maddow Show lately, of all places, and from some of our politicians of course. (Those who DEFINITELY know, I know, and who were and/or are involved). But, I guess we have to see what happens. But I know, its all connected man. (And pretty deep). NOBODY fools me. (And I know ALL their tactics, how they operate, and how they think).

One other thing, they have a reason to try to keep people down, and struggling. It's part of the plan. (Those are the politicians, good people DEFINITELY have to watch out for, and be VERY suspicious of, for instance). The American people (those who do not have ulterior motives, and who are not necessarily evil, that is) just have to wise up man, and do the right thing, and DEFINITELY not target the wrong people. Duh. That will also (of course) ultimately determine which way this country (and really, their own lives) eventually goes...


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