The New Era - Song for Caylee

This track (and music video) is dedicated to all those who have had to deal with the tragic loss of a child. And especially dedicated to the family of Caylee Anthony... 

Of course, this is a very strange and disturbing story for more reasons then one, but what (I think) made it even that much more bizarre, was the fact that unfortunately, there are most likely hundreds of cases of murdered (or missing) children each year, (and at least some of those may even be in relation to one or both of the parents being suspects), so why did the media (in this country) focus so much attention on this particular story? (Especially, with all the other bizarre stories that seem to happen on a regular basis in the U.S. that never even get any attention by the mainstream media?) Well, it could be that was just the way it was, but I'm not even going to go there at this time. (Too deep). 

One thing that I can say for sure though, is that this particular story is beyond sad (and that it does sorta' like represent many other unsolved and somewhat similar heinous crimes that seem to have become increasingly more common in this country for some reason). 

I am glad (for lack of a better word) that they did at least report on it never-the-less, even though (as with many other seemingly related unsolved cases) the mystery (in relation to the especially sick and grotesque nature of it) remains...


I have to say myself, I think the scene with the grandfather singing: 'You Are My Sunshine' (with particular emphasis on the words: "please don't take my sunshine away") and the sort of melancholy (and then somewhat surprised, startled, and frightened) look on Caylee Anthony's face is kinda' odd, and unnerving. (One way or the other). If you ask me. Just sayin'. They also say, most children have a very keen intuition about things as well. Is it possible that these two things sorta' like come together here in some way? May be...

In fact, in the comments of this particular video, more then several YouTube viewers (from 9 yrs ago already) seem to also pick up on it and nail it as well. Here is just one of those comments: "caylee looks terrified in this video, or very sad. possibly drugged?"  -LadyD1979

This video has been on YouTube for like 9 years now, let's see if they pull it down with this post. Hopefully not. But if they do, oh yea, I think that would indicate something. But yea, I always thought this scene with the grandfather was a little odd myself...


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