Journalist Elizabeth Vos On Human Trafficking and Victim Testimony Linking Democrats and Republicans

Once again, "EVERYTHING is relative." VERY interesting interview, and piece of investigative Journalism. In fact, I kinda' fear for Elizabeth Vos's life, because this is the very epitome of corruption. (And something, I have suspected myself for a long time, because of the fact that everything is relative and all, for one. See my March 26th post here). God bless her for her courage and character. Anyway, here is the link to the article H.A. Goodman mentions in the video at: Disobedient Media... 

Look, I am far from a prude, or a holy roller, but abusing underage children (especially 'vulnerable' young children, like homeless kids on the street, battered children, etc. for example), and women, in relation to things like human trafficking, child porn, and snuff films are beyond outrageous, and absolutely evil. Ironically, Al Franken was one of the very few politicians in Congress, incredibly enough, who actually attempted to do something at all in this area, in his efforts to at least protect the victims of sexual violence, who have little recourse, as in the case of when potential employees as a condition of employment for example, are committed to sign mandatory binding arbitration agreements, and are then subsequently vulnerable in the case of being say, sexually assaulted. Or other crimes. (In fact, I believe Senator Al Franken, may very well have been set-up, for this piece of legislation that he authored to actually protect women, which may have been payback by some of the very individuals in high places who are involved in this puke). And the legislation that was eventually passed due to Franken's efforts only applied to those working for Defense Contractors! And, from what I understand, it was like pulling teeth for him to even get this piece of legislation through. (Again, everything is relative). I think, that says allot in itself. (Regarding the outrageous hypocrisy of many in Congress, and who is really pulling their strings). Enough said... 

Update/Aug 10th, 2018: I noticed the original video that I had initially posted here in relation to H.A. Goodman's interview with Elizabeth Vos has since been removed from YouTube, so the video I replaced it with above, is another video posted on Disobedient Media's YouTube Channel in relation to the same story...

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