Goodbye, Aunt Anna. You will be greatly missed...

I would like to pay tribute to my Aunt Anna, who had finally lost her battle with cancer today, by posting this song here. Just thinking about her brings back so many memories... 

I so much regret that I wasn't able to see her since I had left Long Island, just about 14 yrs ago already. I will never forget her. She will be sorely missed. My prayers especially go-out to my Uncle Pat, and my cousins: Vickie and Joann. I am deeply saddened by her passing, for more reasons then one. You see, while she had cancer, her husband, my Uncle Pat, is suffering with Alzheimer's Disease. I would like to ask people to pray for him please... 

This is such a sad thing. But I pray, that the angels at least, now lead my Aunt Anna's spirit to paradise, and everlasting peace...

Hmm? Just inadvertently came across this. Helps somewhat, in dealing with the pain, I guess...


Note: The original date of this post was actually May 17th, 2014 with my previous webhost provider, before my domain name was transferred over. Unable to pre-post any dates prior to the year 2015 in the edit menu, if you are trying to say, address any issues with the content, in the way it was transferred over, for example...

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