IN-TRANSITION MODE: Crossroads, and The Psychology of a Very Unusual Place...

My stay in the state of Maryland for the last 12 yrs. of my life, (after re-locating from Long Island, New York), has been a trip and a half!!! To say the least. As one should also be able to gather from The Walkersville Sessions-Photo Blog, and some of the other things that I have posted on my Facebook page, (that I originally created to support and promote "The Walkersville Sessions" album) for instance. Many things, I will probably not be able to go into detail about, (at least publicly), for maybe quite some time. That's how intense my stay there was! Have to pretty much leave it at that for now, except to say, that I lived in the area where the Feds had traced the source of the 2001 Anthrax Attacks! (And I had become something of a Whistleblower, in more ways then one, and a target of some pretty corrupt, and strange people). Yep, some of my experiences were quite bizarre, to say the least...

But anyway, I am currently in transition mode. (And temporarily staying with a good friend). And because of what I went thru back in Maryland, I am somewhat reluctant to even say that much! That's how bizarre some of my experiences there were. Went thru allot of painful (and extremely difficult) stuff. Maybe, someday (God willing), the truth will all finally come out. But, for now, I am hanging in there... 

Not to give the wrong impression though; I did spend 12 years of my life there. Most of it, just working, (and even sometimes, not working), and pretty much living in solitude, and immersing myself in work, and also recording some of my music, (and getting it on the internet) during the last few years that I resided at the house I rented, in Walkersville, for something like 11 years of my life, during my stay in Maryland. Can't believe how fast time went by... 

So, what I am trying to say, (and to not give the wrong impression, as I mentioned), I did spend something like 12 years of my life in the state, (total), and so there are experiences, and a few people there, (several in particular), that I will probably remember for the rest of my life. (And do think about allot). 

Because of my feelings for some of those people, and not to convey the wrong impression to them, (if they ever happen to even read this); I am taking a chance and mentioning this here. (As reluctant as I am in even saying that much). And, will always leave the door open to those few individuals who I regret that I could not get to be closer friends with, (at least at the time), because of the really unusual nature of some of the things that seemed to be going on there. Things that were totally off the charts, and blowing my mind, to say the least! I hope they know who they are, because, so unusual were some of these things, that not much more then that can I say right now. And also, for their own protection... 

Once again, I have to leave it at that for now. At least, publicly, for the most part... 

But let me just say here though, (and at the risk of sounding paranoid, and all), that so unusual were some of these things, that I was somewhat hesitant about even posting this here! But, I refuse to let these negative things rule and control my life. Incredible stuff...

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