New Domain Name

My official website now has a new domain name: 

There will still be the alias domain names like: and that would still lead one to the same website, but the new primary/host domain name is no longer but once again: - Which I believe better expresses the vision, and which I think is sorta' like more descriptive and searchable... 

And, being that has already been taken, from what I understand, much to my surprise by the way, because I do believe, to the best of my knowledge anyway, that I was the first to use that name to begin with, some years ago already, (before anyone else mind you), never-the-less, I still like the sound of: "The New Era Project." I kinda' think there is still like more you can do with it then the former .com name anyway. (God willing). 

I am also going to let alias domain name eventually expire when it comes up for renewal. And I am still not sure, at this point in time anyway, if I am going to continue with the now alias domain name: either, but that is still some months away. And I still plan to use the name: "The New Era" for brand identification, as I have been doing for all these years now, going back to my days playing out live on Long Island, with so many different musicians and all, as it still has that sentimental value for me; as well as, being representative of that unique sound we sorta' like developed over the years...

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