The New Era - The Long, Lonely Road... (Music Video II) 


And when things just don't add-up or make sense (and cause allot of pain and confusion) sometimes there is (also) another road...

And possibly, even, 'a road less traveled'; that could (even) quite possibly, take one to a better place. (With the right kind of guidance, and as you wander through the figurative wilderness, with all its dangers and the like). Although, it just may take some time to eventually get there...

The New Era - All The Time 


Particularly, as you get older, when you start to see the passing of so many people who were dear to you and the like, a wise person will especially begin to realize the significance of the above quote... 

This somewhat silly (raw, high energy rock n' roll) track from 'The Walkersville Sessions' album turned out to be, more or less, about that... As with some of the other tracks, it was originally written some time before the release of the album itself (back in 2009) though...

You can also hear The New Era band playing the initial version of it, in the 'Live at Februarys' blog post, around the time it was originally written...


The primary meaning of this quote though (which I spotted when looking for some kind of image caption for the blog post for this song) as it would seem to me, as one who has allot of experience in relation to these things, and that evil people usually understand themselves. (Its always the way). That when the lines of communication are (intentionally) broken (in more ways then one) they can (for whatever reason) pretty much say (and do) anything. And lie and deceive you; and as a way to attempt to deprive the person who would say, benefit from that knowledge; and use it accordingly. Although, I guess, the Universe can in turn then attempt to use someone else, say, if that particular person fails to get it themselves. (And reward and bless them). Or maybe, even finally intervene itself in some way, and the whole truth of the matter comes out in a vindicated manner, possibly. As I myself (for example) VERY RARELY put my faith in people to begin with. (Generally speaking). Just sayin'. For to be quite frank, I know (just through experience alone) that VERY few people (if any) can be trusted in a matter such as this to begin with; especially depending on the particular situation and area one may find oneself. As (I know, myself) in the words of the song, 'You Got A Friend': "They'll take your very soul, if you let them..." (If you say, find yourself in a particularly bad location and situation to begin with, that is). "Knowledge is power." And the bad guys know this. (No pun intended). But this whole commentary here, was basically unintended, and beyond the scope of this post to begin with. Enough said. Whew. (I know what I mean). Want to really stay away from this somewhat negative stuff, for more reasons then one, and for (personal) reasons, that I am just not going to get into here...

Note: Also keep in mind (for all the natural born criminals, lower then dogsh*t psychopaths that live here, and are reading this) that I did not mention anyone's name here (or to anyone else) so absolutely NO ONE should know who I am talking about, unless something really IS going on, and I have been RIGHT ON from the very beginning. In fact, it may not even be who you freaks think it is. How 'bout that? You bottom of the gene pool (anything goes) sick, creepy, boneheads! If you think I would share anything about my personal life on a public website, things I don't even share in my private life, you're even crazier then I thought. (Despite the fact, that I may have shared where I am from and all, here and on social media, and sort of indirectly wrote about some of the criminal psychopaths from that area, and what those freaks are into, that probably made you cream your pants, and your eyes bug out of your heads! And set your twisted minds in motion; especially when you saw how their crimes seemed to have been covered up and all. Right? In fact, I know it even crosses state lines. As a matter of fact, its the same Appalachia mountain range, so I am sure, some of you even know each other). But I am WAY ahead of you, 'cause I know you guys like a book, without even knowing you. I see some of the (negative) validations around me here, that I pick up on. I'm WAY smarter then you sh*t for brains, conniving imbeciles; and I KNOW what you're REALLY capable of, and how you think. (And what is really going on here). And that some of you are even 'natural born killers'! (And that I'm like a negative obsession with you sadistic freaks, in more ways then one). Enough said...

Hey, by the way, do any of you fools know about this story? You should. (Its your psychology). You probably even scour the dark web for stories (and people like this) and to give you ideas…

So yea, I know you sick dimwits like a book. This poor girl was tormented by freaks like you, until she took her own life. (In fact, it seems to have been the intention). 

So yep, I know what you sadistic blockheads are really capable of, and your psychological profile LIKE A BOOK! (And that you're basically just devious cowards to begin with). I know allot of you (also) like guys, if you know what I mean? (In a sick, creepy, sorta' Shawshank prison way, of course). So yea, I know its like the same kind of psychology, of course. Although, in the case above, its a girl. But with me, its just a little bit different (but the same methodology) right? Yep. Although, I know it could be either/or, and that anything goes with many of you cretins. (Guys, girls, whips, chains, animals, snuff films, whatever). In fact, you're like an abomination, I know. And like, with this girl, you probably even want to know if I'm gonna be ditching the state, right? (Hmm, I wonder why that would be?) Come on? I know you're contemptible stalkers by nature to begin with. Its one of your many great qualities, and character traits. (You're just all fu**ed up, I know). Am I right on, again? You bet your ass! I KNOW I am...

Do these comments piss you off? You bet your ass it does. Makes you livid, doesn't it? (Of course, it shouldn't, if it doesn't apply to you). But you're already getting ready with the lies, false stories, and slander, right? (In fact, you get off on it, don't you?) Yep, I see it. (Its part of your psychological profile). You're ALWAYS scheming. Remember, I know you dirt bags like a book; and am WAY ahead of you...

So, to all those who fit this description, just leave me alone and stay out of my life, and we'll be fine...

And (so as not to give the wrong impression) I apologize to all the others, who had to see this somewhat harsh language. It's rather embarrassing, but I felt that (unfortunately) it was needed to be said. Sad, that it had to be said in the first place; but I know what I mean. (As I try to figure out exactly what is going on). Wow...

I mean, can anyone explain this?

I mean, its a freakin' SUPERMARKET!!! Another definite W.T.F. moment. Whew…


And there it is, still there. But just down the road a bit…


Hmm? (Nice try about what?) Ohh, yeeaa. Ya' see, THEY believe. (Hmm, I wonder why?) Its always the way. Speaks a thousand words.

(To me, anyway). "Every picture tells a story", as the saying goes...

Its their psychology. Know it LIKE A BOOK!!!

"Come on, let me give you a noogie. Come on? Put your head under my arm and let me give you a GOOD noogie! Come on, I know YOU'RE BEGGIN' FOR IT. Let me give you the noogie your mama never gave ya', the time you burned down the house and buried the cat alive!

("You're hired!!!")

COME ON? Let me give you a BIG FAT noogie, YOU KNUCKLEHEAD!!!"




"YOU DUMB, (toothless) EVIL MOTHERFU**ER!!! HOLY SH*T!!!"

"I'd shove your head up your ass, if I didn't think you MIGHT LIKE IT!!!"

(Ok, that line was borrowed from a Clint Eastwood flick, I think).

Sorry, just got a little carried away there. I can't man, I just can't. Whew...

Just trying to be a little funny, and having some fun with the caption...

(Sorta'. O.M.G.)

Hmm? That actually felt pretty good! But we're not gonna' go there...

The New Era - Joan 


In keeping with the last several somewhat spiritual/esoteric type music videos, and starting to consider (just a couple of days ago really) about finally creating this one; when I just now discovered, with some research, that May 30th is actually (and officially) the feast day of Joan of Arc! (The Patroness of France). As well as, being Memorial Day Weekend. (Which is kind of an interesting coincidence, in itself). So I thought, I would just go with it, and finally create the Music Video (based on the song I had released back in 2009) and put it out there for all the world to see... 

The track is from 'The Walkersville Sessions' album, and mostly inspired by a book I had read about Joan, back when I lived in Maryland; as I always had an enormous amount of compassion and admiration for her (since I first learned about her during my Catholic School days when I was a kid) and always thought she was an extremely fascinating (and special) individual; and most likely, a type of some kind of Star Child...

Her life was a mind blower, in more ways then one; and DEFINITELY worthy of honor, and remembrance. She was among the best the human race has to offer. Few even come close to her character and courage; including most of our historical (and present day) spiritual, religious, and world leaders. Of whom, most, she puts to shame...

Here are some links (and info) in relation to this extraordinary heroine...

Joan of Arc - Wikipedia 

Joan of Arc: Facts, Death & Canonization - HISTORY

Here is something interesting in relation to the Joan of Arc story, and of her possibly being something of an archetype, if you will, that I share here somewhat reluctantly, because of my understanding (that of course) there is definitely that dark side within humanity (and say, a particular area) as well; which is the reason why we have so many of the problems that we have in the world to begin with. But something, many others may very well not only be able to relate to, but learn from (and learn about themselves) as well: 12 Traits of Starseed Children  Although, in the case of Joan of Arc (and other individuals with somewhat similar intelligence and potentiality) for instance, there are just so many variables, as well as similarities, that may not only set them apart, but also link them with others who may have similar (and quite often the same) character traits, thoughts, gifts, and abilities. I myself, think it is an incredibly fascinating subject, for more reasons then one. (But, that's me). Too Deep...

Note: As far as Joan of Arc's end, I STRONGLY believe (as evidenced by her life itself) was DEFINITELY not the result of some kind of karmic justice, if you will, but (as indicated in the particular biographical book I had read about her life) was a result of some unfortunate mistakes she herself had made. (I mean, she was basically just an inexperienced, young girl to begin with). Which, then provided her enemies an opportunity to pounce on her, and take her captive, and then attempt to destroy her; as those involved were very bad people to begin with. (In fact, there is no historical account that Joan ever even killed anyone herself!) In other words, there's evil in the world to begin with, and she, because of her perceived mission to free France from its oppressors, had therefore (of course) made enemies of those very same oppressors, who (obviously) sought her demise by any means necessary, and absolutely had no conscience; as we can see by the manner of her death itself, what kind of individuals they really were. And who are now, probably burning in hell (as they deserve) especially regarding those bishops who not only didn't do anything to save her, and who should have known better, but who were actually instrumental in her merciless death. But at that time, the Catholic Church had allot of blood on its hands to begin with; as is well documented by the historical record of the inquisitions and the like. And, neither here nor there, that is why I myself believe in the separation of Church and State; as no institution (or organization) should ever have absolute authority. There should ALWAYS be checks and balances on power; as the reasons why should be obvious, and (even historically) self-evident...

Rest in peace Joan, and reign (like a princess and queen) in heaven (and in spirit on earth) as you rightly deserve. You are among the greatest little wonders God, in his infinite wisdom (I guess) ever created. And I say this out of a deep compassion (and hope) that there should be some kind of karmic justice in relation to Joan of Arc. Anything less, would actually mean, there is no God! At least, not as he is often (in a positive manner) portrayed in the Bible (despite its many contradictions) as a God of compassion (miracles) and justice…


Whoa! Guy's got a point: "Life is fleeting, death is forever. Is not that the ultimate fact? Life is brief, death is forever. And inevitable!" O.K. No brainer there; but something I bet, very few people actually think about; yet something definitely worth considering (because nothing else really matters, when you really start thinking about it, in the first place) unless you believe in reincarnation, I guess. Also: "I'm here, because I'm needed, not because I'm needy"! Very similar to Kabbalah, but either way, that's a mind blower in itself; and somewhat liberating. As well as being a (positive) life changing way of thinking, that definitely sets itself apart from most of the non-monotheistic religions (I mean, these guys are the one's who really wrote the Old Testament part of the Christian Bible!) and very well may prevent one from say, falling into despair, in believing that life has no purpose. Especially, in relation to the life of Joan of Arc for instance; and then seeing how that life eventually ended; which can sorta like put a damper on the being 'needed by God' part. (Even though, I attempted to provide some understanding regarding that. Not to mention, the fact that Joan WAS, for the most part, successful in her mission, but which she unfortunately, paid the ultimate price, with her own life; but continues to remain revered and remembered by millions in France, and throughout the world, including myself, as a powerful saint. And someone, who changed history for the better). 

In other words, we can still learn from all these things, is the moral of the story; and that what awaits us on the other side, is really what ultimately matters. (Even the Rabbi here, seems to recognize that fact). And also, that (as in the Shawshank Redemption movie) "hope" is a good (not a bad) thing.

In fact, in Catholic teaching, hope is actually considered a virtue! Just sayin'. (Although, the Catholic Church has always seemed to have that masochistic side to it, until I guess, the Charismatic movement, and that particular school of thinking, came along). Once again, rest in peace, Joan. Got a little carried away here. But its just so freakin' deep (and such a mystery) that I (sometimes) just can't stand it! (And the way she like, passed away, makes me so sad, I have to say). Its like, one thing leads to another, leads to another, etc. You get my point. (I wanna' know, what it ALL FREAKIN' MEANS!!!) But gonna' stop right there.

That's it, I'm done...

Bottom line, I basically just wanted to sorta' like, get most of the deep, spiritual related stuff out of the way, with the release of this video…


The New Era - The Answer 

Somewhat of a demo (experimental) track, recorded at my house in Maryland back in 2005, on my home porta-studio; that I (somewhat debatingly) finally decided to release as a digital single in 2018...

It was one of my first experiments in abstract lyric writing (and progressive pop/rock) sort of like in the style of the musical group: 'Yes' - who was a band I had discovered, and became influenced by when I was a kid, and around the time I initially wrote the song. It was originally comprised of more power chords, and initially had a more rock like feel.. 

I originally wrote the song many years ago, when I was around 18 years old. It basically asks the question: "What does it all mean?!" A question I had been asking, probably since I was around 2 years old...

John Lennon in one of his interviews provided the (hidden) meaning behind a particular passage in his song: 'Strawberry Fields Forever' - in that part of the song with the lyrics: "No one I think is in my tree. I mean, it must be high or low." Yea, I definitely can relate. And (in a nutshell) that's basically the meaning behind this song, in a way...

Personal Note: If I may switch gears just a littIe here, and something that may be somewhat significant, and something that I had heard in different ways from some individuals who have Channels on YouTube, in relation to themselves and others (regarding those whom Google may possibly deem somewhat controversial, or for other reasons) and something I have been wondering about for a while now; and even (recently) noticing myself. It is in relation to Google in some way, possibly suppressing an accurate amount of views on YouTube and the like. What has furthered my suspicions, is for instance, in the case of the Music Video: "A Christmas Story (Reprise)" as possibly one of the more extreme examples. For instance, I noticed on my Blog at (which is also owned by Google) the number of views currently showing for this (video) post alone is: 2048. But on YouTube itself, it is only currently showing: 102 views! Big difference there. I don't get it? I mean, could it be, when someone watches a YouTube video on another platform other then YouTube, it does not count as a view by Google on YouTube itself? (Or possibly picked up by their algorithm?) Not exactly sure at this time, but I have to say, its kinda' not adding up to me, in more ways then one. Also, I noticed that promoting a video on YouTube (which I haven't really done yet) is extremely complicated and confusing. I don't get that either. I mean, why would they make it difficult for themselves to earn revenue from this? (Are they possibly government subsidized in some political way?) But anyway, yea, for more reasons then one, I had been wondering about these things for some time now. Just sayin'. And despite these things, I still really enjoy making music and attempting to capture the mood of the song in a Music Video, and sorta' like sharing it with the world. (Or try to anyway). And I can see how decent management and professional artist promotion integrates itself with artist exposure and the like, and can make a huge difference in areas such as this, with the big acts for instance. (I am still currently doing everything myself). But all this is neither here nor there. Enjoy the following video, regardless. Just thought this was worth documenting somewhere; for my own edification, if nothing else…


The New Era - Sweet Madonna (Introductory Demo) 


This demo track was recorded back in 2004 on my Boss BR-864 Portable Digital Studio; being somewhat influenced and inspired by a few things, to include the songs: 'Lady Madonna', by The Beatles, and 'Woman In Chains', by Tears for Fears. As well as, the story book character: Lady of Lothlorien, from The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings fantasy works, by J.R.R. Tolkien. It also does have some influence in there as well, in relation to the (alleged) apparitions of Mary (which I always thought were kind of interesting, from my Catholic School days) to create a sorta' like fantasy, children's fairy tale type story line, in the same spirit of the Tolkien works noted here; and in a somewhat similar vein as some of the musical works by the band Genesis...

I had been wanting to finish (and polish up) this track and finally release it as a single, since I first recorded it back in 2004, from my house in Maryland (i.e. re-record certain parts of the vocal tracks, etc.) but I have since lost the original individual track files to clean it up and re-mix it; but in honor of Mothers Day, I decided to just use the mastered stereo tracks that I had already saved to my computer from back then, and make it into like an experimental music video. Because, when I do finally re-record it (God willing) being so long ago already, I'm sure I am not going to make it sound quite like this original (tongue in cheek) version and arrangement to begin with...

The real original version actually goes further back then 2004, and really started out as a kind of progressive, high energy, rock n' roll song (sorta' like in the style of the band 'Kansas') when I played out with The New Era group, back on Long Island. (Which one can see an example of in the 'Live at February's' video here on this website as well). But back then, I just threw together some words for the lyrics, sorta' like intending to eventually polish up that part of the song (later on) as well. (And which I did here, in this current and evolved version). But, when I was living in Maryland (not having grown up there and all) I didn't have a band to work with (to record the track with all the heavy, intense drumming that our then current drummer Dennis was so good at, when we performed live, for example) so as one can hear here, I slowed the song down when I recorded it on my Porta-Studio, to create this current experimental (Demo) version. In other words, you have to pretty much work with what you've got, as the saying goes...

Ya know, when you're doing everything yourself (and learning as you go along) you become not only like, the sole musician/performer, but you also have to learn how to be a recording engineer, and a producer as well; so there can definitely be that massive learning curve there. And so (God willing) I am looking at possibly, some other avenues (such as computer based recording software and the like) to hopefully take the sound (and recordings) to the next level... 



The New Era - A Musical Collage... 

Musical Video Collage, created mostly to complement the 'Allies' track; and not intended to represent any person, thing, or event…


Hmm, interesting. Just noticed the following photos in my Pictures folder (that I completely forgot about) from when I moved to (and lived in) Raleigh, of vehicles that just happened to drive (or be) in front of me. This license plate reads: REMBR911. The next one reads: RLNTLSS. And the one after that reads: 'Demented'!!! Ooh, good. (Its all psychological, man). Damn. Ya' just can't make this stuff up. No further comment…




The New Era - Allies 


"Synchronicity would give me messages that I was not alone - and I had powerful, positive spiritual friends who were guiding me and helping me through life... Now matter how broken, damaged, and beyond all hope I seemed to be, there was a greater force looking out for me and protecting me."  -David Wilcock (The Ascension Mysteries).

This track was somewhat influenced in part, by a fascinating (and very deep) book written by David Wilcock called: The Ascension Mysteries.

The song should soon be available at online music sites such as Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon...

Disclosure: I do not personally know David Wilcock, so I am not necessarily endorsing (or not endorsing) him or his work (at this time) because, once again, good judgement comes from good character; bad judgement from bad character. But what I will say, is that this particular book is an extremely interesting read in parts, and may very well hit upon some very deep truths, that you will probably just not read (or hear) anywhere else in quite the same way; with even some of the things (he writes about) which I myself have learned (and sensed) in my own research about things. (In other words, some of these things, at least, sorta' lines up in a way). I'm very open minded myself, and glean whatever knowledge I can, that kinda' makes sense, and (figuratively) throw away the other stuff, that doesn't; or is somewhat questionable...

For instance, the Luciferian Cabal thing, sorta like hinted at in The Rolling Stones, 'Sympathy For The Devil' track, and their album: 'Her Satanic Majesties Request' is something I started to wonder about myself later on in life. (Although, some of my friends and I were big Stone fans, and use to play many of their songs when we were kids, but didn't exactly realize what we were playing or singing at the time, when we used to perform that particular song for instance). Also, among other things, like the Rosemary's Baby movie (which is a VERY dark flick) and the relationship to Sharon Tate, Charles Manson, etc. are just some of the things Wilcock goes through, that really sheds light (no pun intended) on allot of this sh*t, and (as I said) which I started to understand myself, as to what it was all about (later on in life) when doing my own research on these things, for personal reasons; as I sorta' touch upon in some other places on my own website here. And also, once again, the important (and dangerous) thing here is that: Even if you do not believe any of this, THEY do! And may even be more prevalent then even I initially had realized, and in some cases, even quite obvious. (And even sometimes, goes pretty high up). I can pick right up on it, either way, myself. It's called discernment, and good judgement. (Because, I'm one of the good guys. Just sayin'). Although, this is just one of the many things Wilcock writes about in his book. (Although, he does somewhat focus on "The Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil" thing, as what seems to be the primary theme of this particular book). And he does seem to have a certain interesting knack for tying allot of these things together...



Maybe, just maybe, it's all related in some way. Wouldn't that be a kick in the ass! (I mean, I can't explain how this all got here. No one really can). Some kind of (general) prison planet? May be...


Just some food for thought, in keeping with the subject matter. Whoa. (Pretty credible, I must say). Blows MY mind...

And some seemingly supporting videos, in keeping with the (Luciferian) Cosmic Good vs Evil thing Wilcock discusses in his book, that very well may explain allot of things, to which you can include (as I have also uncovered in my own research) some pretty dark stuff; like Human Trafficking, financial fraud, murder, psychological torture, abuse of power, sadistic (or masochistic) behavior, deceit, conspiracy, etc. Though, of course, everyone who participates in these things may not necessarily be part of some kind of Cabal or into Satanism, but just a serious asshole. Either way, as Wilcock (and many other experts in this field) explain, it still (by its very nature) often has some kind of deep spiritual or demonic influence in some way, whether you believe there really is some kind of dark (evil) spiritual world, or not...

Also, in my research (and what many others believe) there are some locations that seem to have more of a high degree of this kind of dark influence (often due to the particular actions of those who reside there) then other places, and the signs of this are pretty recognizable...

For instance (but not wanting to get too personal here) part of my reason (and my research) into the Demonic (although, not obsessively, because I recognize the possible danger in that) was not only because I just happened to live at the very same time, in the very same area in Maryland, where the Feds had traced the source of the 2001 Anthrax Attacks, when I then realized that I was being targeted by some extremely sick and dangerous, and even criminally insane individuals, who were also involved in some very serious crimes, that crossed state lines. (And I don't mean the Feds, generally speaking). 

And also, because of something that was said to me by someone, some years ago already, in regards to the psychology of, and how these particular criminally sadistic, psychological types operate; and because she also had told me that I was: "psychic and very smart". (Which were her EXACT words!) And she then proceeded to tell me what would happen. And, as I was informed, how extremely evil (lower then dogshit) individuals for instance (especially when a conspiracy is involved, to attempt to put you out of commission in some way, or to like use someone in an attempt to hurt you, and/or attempt to use that person in an attempt to provoke you, and/or in an attempt to fu*k up your life) quite often will use 3 primary tactics, as their secret weapon, that are usually attributed to the Demonic; because they are basically just cowards to begin with...

1. Deceit. 2. False Stories. 3. Slander. So, of course (being extremely intuitive to begin with) I would pick up on things when they happen, and recognize the signs; but being a sensible person by nature, I would also wait for something to be validated in some way (or sometimes even test it out) and then I would know (without a doubt) what I was intuitively picking up was right on, and the reason why those people were lying about me to a certain person, for example. Sometimes, I may not even know (at least not right away) exactly what the lie they told that person (that I supposedly said) was, but never-the-less, I could see the situation (in my mind's eye) as clearly as I am typing this right now. (And then, the physical validation, by the expression on a person's face, and/or an off the cuff remark, etc.) In other words, it would be like downloaded right into my mind, is the best I can describe it. (In the sense of being able to head tap a person, and yep, just like reading their mind). Of course, it would usually involve a girl, because I don't like guys! And, if through just simple common sense, for instance (knowing human nature and all, assessing the psychology of the area I'm living in, etc.) if I did not mention that girl to anyone, well, then there would have to be a reason why they would have lied to that girl to begin with, right? Common sense itself, would tell one that. (When you start putting two and two together, and things just don't seem to be adding up, for instance, regardless of anything else). Neither here nor there, but for my own documentation, edification, and in relation to some of the influence in writing the song itself, and just maybe you can relate (Na, I doubt it. I don't know, maybe) in this particular scenario, its at that point when you realize that she very well may have (unknowingly) mentioned me to like, the wrong kind of people. (And/or like, the wrong kind of people seemed to have picked up on it, when the poor girl just happens to innocently mention you to someone, for understandable reasons). Ya know, its like a kinda bad area to begin with, kinda' situation? (Uh, oh!) And if she is very attractive (and they believe your going to be attracted to her) well then, of course, jealousy comes right into play. And wallah! That's the person they would attempt to use in their deranged scheme (in their sick, twisted, criminal minds) in an attempt to hurt you (and to attempt to provoke, and/or get to you, or set you up; usually without the girl ever really knowing; as they will continue to work on her and lie to her in the meantime). Because, they want you to be really miserable, like they are. And it would provide them with allot of accomplices, if necessary. Especially, if it is (generally speaking) pretty much like the psychological profile of the area to begin with, and something is going on, in more ways then one...

Alright, I don't know where I am going with this (but it is somewhat in relation to the song itself) as I saw the scheme from the very beginning. It was like the download thing. Didn't hear voices (at least not yet in my life, thank God). Its more like a strong impression, and so clear, that its almost like a voice did whisper it in your ear, but there was no voice. Same thing with individuals, like Allison Dubois for instance, who is a Psychic-Medium. (Although, she may also sometimes see things like house numbers and the like, when assisting decent people within law enforcement, from what I understand). And then, its like all of a sudden, God gives you discernment about the whole situation. (Even though, you may not be particularly very religious; but I have heard it said, it doesn't necessarily matter, because God looks at the heart, not necessarily if one is religious. He knows what is really in a person's heart, like when one who has this kind of gift, for lack of a better word, head taps people; you are sorta like given almost like that same insight. But with it, comes great responsibility. That's why I also say, God looks at the heart, because he knows who he can trust, so some people have greater insight then others. And it could also just be where someone's mind, or soul, or whatever you want to call it, is functioning at a higher power or somethin', and God really doesn't come into play at all. Except, the discernment thing. That I cannot explain, because I am only human).

But when that happens, you see motive. And, you sometimes even see the scheme before it even happens! (Or, while it is happening. Or, after it happens). You see what's in the heart of the individuals involved. And you freakin' read their sick, psychopath freakin' mind!!! It can almost be compared to seeing a movie right in front of your eyes. (Or more like, in your mind). Its incredible, and it often blows my own mind! Just sayin'. There is no psychological profiler that even comes close. (Although, I know there are others who have these same experiences, especially among the psychic profilers; with some even having been scientifically verified). If I said anything else, I'd be lying... 

But anyway, where am I going with this? Oh, yea. The Demonic thing. (And the song). And I am already giving much more away then I want, because I know what's goin' on, and because I also know there are crimes being committed here, and whose involved, without even knowing most of the people who are involved, and I can sorta' see what the crime, and crimes are. (And that the individuals involved are extremely dangerous, in more ways then one). Oh yea, it gets better. (Its always the way). Ohhh, boy. So let's just leave it with this...

Yea, the demonic thing. And I mention the Demonic thing, because of the Psychological Profiler (discernment) thing. As with the anthrax attacks, I get that same feeling that it is demonic in nature, at its very core, and the people involved in the conspiracy are EXTREMELY evil, and dangerous. (Here's a clue, so as to not tip off the bad guys). In the Exorcist movie, Father Meron says to Father Damian, his assistant, in relation to the person possessed: "DO NOT ENGAGE IT IN CONVERSATION!!! It CANNOT be trusted, AT ALL!!! It has a demon. Duh!" (Okay, the 'duh' part was just me attempting to be humorous). And of course, do not discuss things in relation to your personal life, reveal your feelings, etc. to someone who doesn't really have your best interests at heart to begin with (or who may even seek your demise, for whatever reason) and who may very well, use it against you in some way, is what I am trying to say. (And, that's how dark the situation may really be). But that's always been my own rule of thumb, anyway. (You always have to access the situation wisely, and if you need to confide in someone, it has to be someone you can definitely trust, without a shadow of a doubt; especially in these strange, unusual times we are currently living in, and in light of whatever situation one may find oneself). So, to tie this all together myself, I guess, it can very well be compared to the cosmic battle between good and evil thing. In other words: Whatever is negative, and causes one stress, pain, and suffering for instance, I would think, cannot be of God. But whatever is positive, and brings fulfillment to one's life and helps you to achieve your full potential, and destiny, would be; and what the Universe (if you will) really wants for you. (If one is at least a decent person, that is). I would think, anyway. (And still learning myself). But I guess, that's pretty much it, in a nutshell. Yea, I see the bad guys reading this, and his wheels; the wheels in their devious, sick minds are turnin' accordingly. They're ALWAYS scheming. Its incredible. I see it so clear. Whew...

(Its big, man). Enough said. But I'm gonna' take a chance and keep this here for now. Damn. No pun intended...

Wow, was that deep! Once again, note to self: Try not to drink and blog! I'm still gonna' leave it for now though, for some reason. That I don't even freakin' fully understand! (Or maybe, I do). Way too much info though. (God willing, in the future, much shorter, and much less personal). But yea, these kind of books can do that to you. (At least, that's the effect it has on me. May effect different people in different ways, I don't know. But yea, its that intense). Weird. And speaking of weird, might as well now check out the following videos. O.M.G.

I know people are generally not this deep. At least, not in America. In fact, I think this is probably going to be the last song that is going to be this intense. Just had to get it off my chest, I guess. Sorta' like therapy...



The New Era - A Christmas Story (Reprise) 



Remixed version of 'A Christmas Story' set to images...

The audio file quality used in this music video was recorded in 24 bit. (Whether or not YouTube alters that in some way, with the upload of the music audio wav file that I used, I am not sure at this time). Just to provide a comparison, for interest's sake, if you didn't already know: CD's are recorded using 16 bit technology. But for online (or mobile phone) streaming, most music audio files are usually 16 or 24 bit respectively...

Hopefully, this track will be available for download (and streaming) at online merchants and streaming services like Amazon, iTunes/Apple Music, and Spotify, by my online music distributor before long...

Note: While I am on this, I have noticed that THERE ARE certain tracks assigned to my Apple Music and Spotify artist profiles, in particular, that do not belong to me. From what I understand, this does happen from time to time (for whatever reason) with other Indie artists as well, and has happened to me before; with those particular tracks (in the past) having been eventually removed. However, some of these tracks do seem to be a bit strange, and should obviously appear to be somewhat out of place to begin with, especially if you happen to be familiar with my music, and my story. (No pun intended).

Just mentioning this, to prevent any confusion there (if one happens to see this in the future for instance) as I am currently working with Apple and Spotify to have these (particular, and currently out of place) tracks removed; but keeping my fingers crossed...

By the way, check this out. Cool... 

YouTube Mix - The New Era - A Christmas Story (Reprise)


The Next Chapter continues...

The New Era is Coming!


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