The New Era - The Answer

Somewhat of a demo (experimental) track, recorded at my house in Maryland back in 2005, on my home porta-studio; that I (somewhat debatingly) finally decided to release as a digital single in 2018...

It was one of my first experiments in abstract lyric writing (and progressive pop/rock) sort of like in the style of the musical group: 'Yes' - who was a band I had discovered, and became influenced by when I was a kid, and around the time I initially wrote the song. It was originally comprised of more power chords, and initially had a more rock like feel.. 

I originally wrote the song many years ago, when I was around 18 years old. It basically asks the question: "What does it all mean?!" A question I had been asking, probably since I was around 2 years old...

John Lennon in one of his interviews provided the (hidden) meaning behind a particular passage in his song: 'Strawberry Fields Forever' - in that part of the song with the lyrics: "No one I think is in my tree. I mean, it must be high or low." Yea, I definitely can relate. And (in a nutshell) that's basically the meaning behind this song, in a way...

Personal Note: If I may switch gears just a littIe here, and something that may be somewhat significant, and something that I had heard in different ways from some individuals who have Channels on YouTube, in relation to themselves and others (regarding those whom Google may possibly deem somewhat controversial, or for other reasons) and something I have been wondering about for a while now; and even (recently) noticing myself. It is in relation to Google in some way, possibly suppressing an accurate amount of views on YouTube and the like. What has furthered my suspicions, is for instance, in the case of the Music Video: "A Christmas Story (Reprise)" as possibly one of the more extreme examples. For instance, I noticed on my Blog at (which is also owned by Google) the number of views currently showing for this (video) post alone is: 2048. But on YouTube itself, it is only currently showing: 102 views! Big difference there. I don't get it? I mean, could it be, when someone watches a YouTube video on another platform other then YouTube, it does not count as a view by Google on YouTube itself? (Or possibly picked up by their algorithm?) Not exactly sure at this time, but I have to say, its kinda' not adding up to me, in more ways then one. Also, I noticed that promoting a video on YouTube (which I haven't really done yet) is extremely complicated and confusing. I don't get that either. I mean, why would they make it difficult for themselves to earn revenue from this? (Are they possibly government subsidized in some political way?) But anyway, yea, for more reasons then one, I had been wondering about these things for some time now. Just sayin'. And despite these things, I still really enjoy making music and attempting to capture the mood of the song in a Music Video, and sorta' like sharing it with the world. (Or try to anyway). And I can see how decent management and professional artist promotion integrates itself with artist exposure and the like, and can make a huge difference in areas such as this, with the big acts for instance. (I am still currently doing everything myself). But all this is neither here nor there. Enjoy the following video, regardless. Just thought this was worth documenting somewhere; for my own edification, if nothing else…


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