A Look Back in Time: In the Spring 11 Years Ago, a Record 100 Tornados hit North Carolina in a Single Day! 



Yea, I don't think I will ever forget this story. In fact, I just remembered this, and did some research to see if it was really true; and just had to blog about it. Ya see, the economy in Maryland was starting to take a nose dive (particularly in the area I was living) during the Great Recession; which was somewhat related to the housing market crash during that time. And being that I had family living in North Carolina (while also remember reading some material back in the late 90's about how Governor

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The Man Who Knew - A Documentary about former FBI Agent: John O'Neil 

I post this in honor of the now 20th anniversary of 9/11/2001. Great find. I still have the VHS video from almost 20yrs ago, but haven't been able to watch it in a long time, because of course, the VHS video format has long been discontinued; and then saw a post on Twitter about it, regarding PBS now featuring the story at their site, and their Frontline documentary series...

Yea (once again) O'Neil, very well may have been getting just a little too close to something REALLY BIG. (That I don't think even…

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Hero or Villain: The Prosecution of Julian Assange... 


It seems to me, that Julian Assange very well, may have got just a little too close to some things, that certain individuals just did not want to be exposed. For instance, there is one little known story (that you'll just never hear about in the Mainstream Media) that was revealed by Wikileaks, which I myself found VERY interesting. (And very well, may have made certain people who did not want to be exposed, very nervous). It was in relation to a division of the Military/Defense, Government contractor, and…

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Solar Eclipse 2017: Is this a Message? 

I have copied and pasted below, some of the quite interesting notes (one way or the other) from the YouTube channel of this gentleman, Mike Healy, regarding this unique, once in a lifetime event; as he seems to be not the only one who is saying these things. Allot to think about, I guess, as we have been living in some very unusual times to begin with. But, to be honest, I take all of this with a grain of salt. Some of it IS a little strange…

REVIEW: August 21 & Sept 23 Biblical Signs Are being Fulfilled…

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The Casey Anthony Associated Press Interview... 

As one can see, there does seem to be some kind of maid in this video, who, because of the color of her skin, does not seem to be a family member, or possibly even a relative. My point being, that there very well may have been other people who, (besides the immediate family and relatives), at the very least, knew about, and had access in some way to this child. Just sayin'...

Makes absolutely no sense at all. Nothing seems to really add up. (Except, maybe when Casey Anthony allegedly disappeared with…

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