The New Era - A Christmas Story (Reprise)



Remixed version of 'A Christmas Story' set to images...

The audio file quality used in this music video was recorded in 24 bit. (Whether or not YouTube alters that in some way, with the upload of the music audio wav file that I used, I am not sure at this time). Just to provide a comparison, for interest's sake, if you didn't already know: CD's are recorded using 16 bit technology. But for online (or mobile phone) streaming, most music audio files are usually 16 or 24 bit respectively...

Hopefully, this track will be available for download (and streaming) at online merchants and streaming services like Amazon, iTunes/Apple Music, and Spotify, by my online music distributor before long...

Note: While I am on this, I have noticed that THERE ARE certain tracks assigned to my Apple Music and Spotify artist profiles, in particular, that do not belong to me. From what I understand, this does happen from time to time (for whatever reason) with other Indie artists as well, and has happened to me before; with those particular tracks (in the past) having been eventually removed. However, some of these tracks do seem to be a bit strange, and should obviously appear to be somewhat out of place to begin with, especially if you happen to be familiar with my music, and my story. (No pun intended).

Just mentioning this, to prevent any confusion there (if one happens to see this in the future for instance) as I am currently working with Apple and Spotify to have these (particular, and currently out of place) tracks removed; but keeping my fingers crossed...

By the way, check this out. Cool... 

YouTube Mix - The New Era - A Christmas Story (Reprise)

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