The New Era - All The Time


Particularly, as you get older, when you start to see the passing of so many people who were dear to you and the like, a wise person will especially begin to realize the significance of the above quote... 

This somewhat silly (raw, high energy rock n' roll) track from 'The Walkersville Sessions' album turned out to be, more or less, about that... As with some of the other tracks, it was originally written some time before the release of the album itself (back in 2009) though...

You can also hear The New Era band playing the initial version of it, in the 'Live at Februarys' blog post, around the time it was originally written...


The primary meaning of this quote though (which I spotted when looking for some kind of image caption for the blog post for this song) as it would seem to me, as one who has allot of experience in relation to these things, and that evil people usually understand themselves. (Its always the way). That when the lines of communication are (intentionally) broken (in more ways then one) they can (for whatever reason) pretty much say (and do) anything. And lie and deceive you; and as a way to attempt to deprive the person who would say, benefit from that knowledge; and use it accordingly. Although, I guess, the Universe can in turn then attempt to use someone else, say, if that particular person fails to get it themselves. (And reward and bless them). Or maybe, even finally intervene itself in some way, and the whole truth of the matter comes out in a vindicated manner, possibly. As I myself (for example) VERY RARELY put my faith in people to begin with. (Generally speaking). Just sayin'. For to be quite frank, I know (just through experience alone) that VERY few people (if any) can be trusted in a matter such as this to begin with; especially depending on the particular situation and area one may find oneself. As (I know, myself) in the words of the song, 'You Got A Friend': "They'll take your very soul, if you let them..." (If you say, find yourself in a particularly bad location and situation to begin with, that is). "Knowledge is power." And the bad guys know this. (No pun intended). But this whole commentary here, was basically unintended, and beyond the scope of this post to begin with. Enough said. Whew. (I know what I mean). Want to really stay away from this somewhat negative stuff, for more reasons then one, and for (personal) reasons, that I am just not going to get into here...

Note: Also keep in mind (for all the natural born criminals, lower then dogsh*t psychopaths that live here, and are reading this) that I did not mention anyone's name here (or to anyone else) so absolutely NO ONE should know who I am talking about, unless something really IS going on, and I have been RIGHT ON from the very beginning. In fact, it may not even be who you freaks think it is. How 'bout that? You bottom of the gene pool (anything goes) sick, creepy, boneheads! If you think I would share anything about my personal life on a public website, things I don't even share in my private life, you're even crazier then I thought. (Despite the fact, that I may have shared where I am from and all, here and on social media, and sort of indirectly wrote about some of the criminal psychopaths from that area, and what those freaks are into, that probably made you cream your pants, and your eyes bug out of your heads! And set your twisted minds in motion; especially when you saw how their crimes seemed to have been covered up and all. Right? In fact, I know it even crosses state lines. As a matter of fact, its the same Appalachia mountain range, so I am sure, some of you even know each other). But I am WAY ahead of you, 'cause I know you guys like a book, without even knowing you. I see some of the (negative) validations around me here, that I pick up on. I'm WAY smarter then you sh*t for brains, conniving imbeciles; and I KNOW what you're REALLY capable of, and how you think. (And what is really going on here). And that some of you are even 'natural born killers'! (And that I'm like a negative obsession with you sadistic freaks, in more ways then one). Enough said...

Hey, by the way, do any of you fools know about this story? You should. (Its your psychology). You probably even scour the dark web for stories (and people like this) and to give you ideas…

So yea, I know you sick dimwits like a book. This poor girl was tormented by freaks like you, until she took her own life. (In fact, it seems to have been the intention). 

So yep, I know what you sadistic blockheads are really capable of, and your psychological profile LIKE A BOOK! (And that you're basically just devious cowards to begin with). I know allot of you (also) like guys, if you know what I mean? (In a sick, creepy, sorta' Shawshank prison way, of course). So yea, I know its like the same kind of psychology, of course. Although, in the case above, its a girl. But with me, its just a little bit different (but the same methodology) right? Yep. Although, I know it could be either/or, and that anything goes with many of you cretins. (Guys, girls, whips, chains, animals, snuff films, whatever). In fact, you're like an abomination, I know. And like, with this girl, you probably even want to know if I'm gonna be ditching the state, right? (Hmm, I wonder why that would be?) Come on? I know you're contemptible stalkers by nature to begin with. Its one of your many great qualities, and character traits. (You're just all fu**ed up, I know). Am I right on, again? You bet your ass! I KNOW I am...

Do these comments piss you off? You bet your ass it does. Makes you livid, doesn't it? (Of course, it shouldn't, if it doesn't apply to you). But you're already getting ready with the lies, false stories, and slander, right? (In fact, you get off on it, don't you?) Yep, I see it. (Its part of your psychological profile). You're ALWAYS scheming. Remember, I know you dirt bags like a book; and am WAY ahead of you...

So, to all those who fit this description, just leave me alone and stay out of my life, and we'll be fine...

And (so as not to give the wrong impression) I apologize to all the others, who had to see this somewhat harsh language. It's rather embarrassing, but I felt that (unfortunately) it was needed to be said. Sad, that it had to be said in the first place; but I know what I mean. (As I try to figure out exactly what is going on). Wow...

I mean, can anyone explain this?

I mean, its a freakin' SUPERMARKET!!! Another definite W.T.F. moment. Whew…


And there it is, still there. But just down the road a bit…


Hmm? (Nice try about what?) Ohh, yeeaa. Ya' see, THEY believe. (Hmm, I wonder why?) Its always the way. Speaks a thousand words.

(To me, anyway). "Every picture tells a story", as the saying goes...

Its their psychology. Know it LIKE A BOOK!!!

"Come on, let me give you a noogie. Come on? Put your head under my arm and let me give you a GOOD noogie! Come on, I know YOU'RE BEGGIN' FOR IT. Let me give you the noogie your mama never gave ya', the time you burned down the house and buried the cat alive!

("You're hired!!!")

COME ON? Let me give you a BIG FAT noogie, YOU KNUCKLEHEAD!!!"




"YOU DUMB, (toothless) EVIL MOTHERFU**ER!!! HOLY SH*T!!!"

"I'd shove your head up your ass, if I didn't think you MIGHT LIKE IT!!!"

(Ok, that line was borrowed from a Clint Eastwood flick, I think).

Sorry, just got a little carried away there. I can't man, I just can't. Whew...

Just trying to be a little funny, and having some fun with the caption...

(Sorta'. O.M.G.)

Hmm? That actually felt pretty good! But we're not gonna' go there...

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