The New Era - Allies


"Synchronicity would give me messages that I was not alone - and I had powerful, positive spiritual friends who were guiding me and helping me through life... Now matter how broken, damaged, and beyond all hope I seemed to be, there was a greater force looking out for me and protecting me."  -David Wilcock (The Ascension Mysteries).

This track was somewhat influenced in part, by a fascinating (and very deep) book written by David Wilcock called: The Ascension Mysteries.

The song should soon be available at online music sites such as Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon...

Disclosure: I do not personally know David Wilcock, so I am not necessarily endorsing (or not endorsing) him or his work (at this time) because, once again, good judgement comes from good character; bad judgement from bad character. But what I will say, is that this particular book is an extremely interesting read in parts, and may very well hit upon some very deep truths, that you will probably just not read (or hear) anywhere else in quite the same way; with even some of the things (he writes about) which I myself have learned (and sensed) in my own research about things. (In other words, some of these things, at least, sorta' lines up in a way). I'm very open minded myself, and glean whatever knowledge I can, that kinda' makes sense, and (figuratively) throw away the other stuff, that doesn't; or is somewhat questionable...

For instance, the Luciferian Cabal thing, sorta like hinted at in The Rolling Stones, 'Sympathy For The Devil' track, and their album: 'Her Satanic Majesties Request' is something I started to wonder about myself later on in life. (Although, some of my friends and I were big Stone fans, and use to play many of their songs when we were kids, but didn't exactly realize what we were playing or singing at the time, when we used to perform that particular song for instance). Also, among other things, like the Rosemary's Baby movie (which is a VERY dark flick) and the relationship to Sharon Tate, Charles Manson, etc. are just some of the things Wilcock goes through, that really sheds light (no pun intended) on allot of this sh*t, and (as I said) which I started to understand myself, as to what it was all about (later on in life) when doing my own research on these things, for personal reasons; as I sorta' touch upon in some other places on my own website here. And also, once again, the important (and dangerous) thing here is that: Even if you do not believe any of this, THEY do! And may even be more prevalent then even I initially had realized, and in some cases, even quite obvious. (And even sometimes, goes pretty high up). I can pick right up on it, either way, myself. It's called discernment, and good judgement. (Because, I'm one of the good guys. Just sayin'). Although, this is just one of the many things Wilcock writes about in his book. (Although, he does somewhat focus on "The Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil" thing, as what seems to be the primary theme of this particular book). And he does seem to have a certain interesting knack for tying allot of these things together...



Maybe, just maybe, it's all related in some way. Wouldn't that be a kick in the ass! (I mean, I can't explain how this all got here. No one really can). Some kind of (general) prison planet? May be...


Just some food for thought, in keeping with the subject matter. Whoa. (Pretty credible, I must say). Blows MY mind...

And some seemingly supporting videos, in keeping with the (Luciferian) Cosmic Good vs Evil thing Wilcock discusses in his book, that very well may explain allot of things, to which you can include (as I have also uncovered in my own research) some pretty dark stuff; like Human Trafficking, financial fraud, murder, psychological torture, abuse of power, sadistic (or masochistic) behavior, deceit, conspiracy, etc. Though, of course, everyone who participates in these things may not necessarily be part of some kind of Cabal or into Satanism, but just a serious asshole. Either way, as Wilcock (and many other experts in this field) explain, it still (by its very nature) often has some kind of deep spiritual or demonic influence in some way, whether you believe there really is some kind of dark (evil) spiritual world, or not...

Also, in my research (and what many others believe) there are some locations that seem to have more of a high degree of this kind of dark influence (often due to the particular actions of those who reside there) then other places, and the signs of this are pretty recognizable...

For instance (but not wanting to get too personal here) part of my reason (and my research) into the Demonic (although, not obsessively, because I recognize the possible danger in that) was not only because I just happened to live at the very same time, in the very same area in Maryland, where the Feds had traced the source of the 2001 Anthrax Attacks, when I then realized that I was being targeted by some extremely sick and dangerous, and even criminally insane individuals, who were also involved in some very serious crimes, that crossed state lines. (And I don't mean the Feds, generally speaking). 

And also, because of something that was said to me by someone, some years ago already, in regards to the psychology of, and how these particular criminally sadistic, psychological types operate; and because she also had told me that I was: "psychic and very smart". (Which were her EXACT words!) And she then proceeded to tell me what would happen. And, as I was informed, how extremely evil (lower then dogshit) individuals for instance (especially when a conspiracy is involved, to attempt to put you out of commission in some way, or to like use someone in an attempt to hurt you, and/or attempt to use that person in an attempt to provoke you, and/or in an attempt to fu*k up your life) quite often will use 3 primary tactics, as their secret weapon, that are usually attributed to the Demonic; because they are basically just cowards to begin with...

1. Deceit. 2. False Stories. 3. Slander. So, of course (being extremely intuitive to begin with) I would pick up on things when they happen, and recognize the signs; but being a sensible person by nature, I would also wait for something to be validated in some way (or sometimes even test it out) and then I would know (without a doubt) what I was intuitively picking up was right on, and the reason why those people were lying about me to a certain person, for example. Sometimes, I may not even know (at least not right away) exactly what the lie they told that person (that I supposedly said) was, but never-the-less, I could see the situation (in my mind's eye) as clearly as I am typing this right now. (And then, the physical validation, by the expression on a person's face, and/or an off the cuff remark, etc.) In other words, it would be like downloaded right into my mind, is the best I can describe it. (In the sense of being able to head tap a person, and yep, just like reading their mind). Of course, it would usually involve a girl, because I don't like guys! And, if through just simple common sense, for instance (knowing human nature and all, assessing the psychology of the area I'm living in, etc.) if I did not mention that girl to anyone, well, then there would have to be a reason why they would have lied to that girl to begin with, right? Common sense itself, would tell one that. (When you start putting two and two together, and things just don't seem to be adding up, for instance, regardless of anything else). Neither here nor there, but for my own documentation, edification, and in relation to some of the influence in writing the song itself, and just maybe you can relate (Na, I doubt it. I don't know, maybe) in this particular scenario, its at that point when you realize that she very well may have (unknowingly) mentioned me to like, the wrong kind of people. (And/or like, the wrong kind of people seemed to have picked up on it, when the poor girl just happens to innocently mention you to someone, for understandable reasons). Ya know, its like a kinda bad area to begin with, kinda' situation? (Uh, oh!) And if she is very attractive (and they believe your going to be attracted to her) well then, of course, jealousy comes right into play. And wallah! That's the person they would attempt to use in their deranged scheme (in their sick, twisted, criminal minds) in an attempt to hurt you (and to attempt to provoke, and/or get to you, or set you up; usually without the girl ever really knowing; as they will continue to work on her and lie to her in the meantime). Because, they want you to be really miserable, like they are. And it would provide them with allot of accomplices, if necessary. Especially, if it is (generally speaking) pretty much like the psychological profile of the area to begin with, and something is going on, in more ways then one...

Alright, I don't know where I am going with this (but it is somewhat in relation to the song itself) as I saw the scheme from the very beginning. It was like the download thing. Didn't hear voices (at least not yet in my life, thank God). Its more like a strong impression, and so clear, that its almost like a voice did whisper it in your ear, but there was no voice. Same thing with individuals, like Allison Dubois for instance, who is a Psychic-Medium. (Although, she may also sometimes see things like house numbers and the like, when assisting decent people within law enforcement, from what I understand). And then, its like all of a sudden, God gives you discernment about the whole situation. (Even though, you may not be particularly very religious; but I have heard it said, it doesn't necessarily matter, because God looks at the heart, not necessarily if one is religious. He knows what is really in a person's heart, like when one who has this kind of gift, for lack of a better word, head taps people; you are sorta like given almost like that same insight. But with it, comes great responsibility. That's why I also say, God looks at the heart, because he knows who he can trust, so some people have greater insight then others. And it could also just be where someone's mind, or soul, or whatever you want to call it, is functioning at a higher power or somethin', and God really doesn't come into play at all. Except, the discernment thing. That I cannot explain, because I am only human).

But when that happens, you see motive. And, you sometimes even see the scheme before it even happens! (Or, while it is happening. Or, after it happens). You see what's in the heart of the individuals involved. And you freakin' read their sick, psychopath freakin' mind!!! It can almost be compared to seeing a movie right in front of your eyes. (Or more like, in your mind). Its incredible, and it often blows my own mind! Just sayin'. There is no psychological profiler that even comes close. (Although, I know there are others who have these same experiences, especially among the psychic profilers; with some even having been scientifically verified). If I said anything else, I'd be lying... 

But anyway, where am I going with this? Oh, yea. The Demonic thing. (And the song). And I am already giving much more away then I want, because I know what's goin' on, and because I also know there are crimes being committed here, and whose involved, without even knowing most of the people who are involved, and I can sorta' see what the crime, and crimes are. (And that the individuals involved are extremely dangerous, in more ways then one). Oh yea, it gets better. (Its always the way). Ohhh, boy. So let's just leave it with this...

Yea, the demonic thing. And I mention the Demonic thing, because of the Psychological Profiler (discernment) thing. As with the anthrax attacks, I get that same feeling that it is demonic in nature, at its very core, and the people involved in the conspiracy are EXTREMELY evil, and dangerous. (Here's a clue, so as to not tip off the bad guys). In the Exorcist movie, Father Meron says to Father Damian, his assistant, in relation to the person possessed: "DO NOT ENGAGE IT IN CONVERSATION!!! It CANNOT be trusted, AT ALL!!! It has a demon. Duh!" (Okay, the 'duh' part was just me attempting to be humorous). And of course, do not discuss things in relation to your personal life, reveal your feelings, etc. to someone who doesn't really have your best interests at heart to begin with (or who may even seek your demise, for whatever reason) and who may very well, use it against you in some way, is what I am trying to say. (And, that's how dark the situation may really be). But that's always been my own rule of thumb, anyway. (You always have to access the situation wisely, and if you need to confide in someone, it has to be someone you can definitely trust, without a shadow of a doubt; especially in these strange, unusual times we are currently living in, and in light of whatever situation one may find oneself). So, to tie this all together myself, I guess, it can very well be compared to the cosmic battle between good and evil thing. In other words: Whatever is negative, and causes one stress, pain, and suffering for instance, I would think, cannot be of God. But whatever is positive, and brings fulfillment to one's life and helps you to achieve your full potential, and destiny, would be; and what the Universe (if you will) really wants for you. (If one is at least a decent person, that is). I would think, anyway. (And still learning myself). But I guess, that's pretty much it, in a nutshell. Yea, I see the bad guys reading this, and his wheels; the wheels in their devious, sick minds are turnin' accordingly. They're ALWAYS scheming. Its incredible. I see it so clear. Whew...

(Its big, man). Enough said. But I'm gonna' take a chance and keep this here for now. Damn. No pun intended...

Wow, was that deep! Once again, note to self: Try not to drink and blog! I'm still gonna' leave it for now though, for some reason. That I don't even freakin' fully understand! (Or maybe, I do). Way too much info though. (God willing, in the future, much shorter, and much less personal). But yea, these kind of books can do that to you. (At least, that's the effect it has on me. May effect different people in different ways, I don't know. But yea, its that intense). Weird. And speaking of weird, might as well now check out the following videos. O.M.G.

I know people are generally not this deep. At least, not in America. In fact, I think this is probably going to be the last song that is going to be this intense. Just had to get it off my chest, I guess. Sorta' like therapy...



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