The New Era - Sweet Madonna (Introductory Demo)


This demo track was recorded back in 2004 on my Boss BR-864 Portable Digital Studio; being somewhat influenced and inspired by a few things, to include the songs: 'Lady Madonna', by The Beatles, and 'Woman In Chains', by Tears for Fears. As well as, the story book character: Lady of Lothlorien, from The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings fantasy works, by J.R.R. Tolkien. It also does have some influence in there as well, in relation to the (alleged) apparitions of Mary (which I always thought were kind of interesting, from my Catholic School days) to create a sorta' like fantasy, children's fairy tale type story line, in the same spirit of the Tolkien works noted here; and in a somewhat similar vein as some of the musical works by the band Genesis...

I had been wanting to finish (and polish up) this track and finally release it as a single, since I first recorded it back in 2004, from my house in Maryland (i.e. re-record certain parts of the vocal tracks, etc.) but I have since lost the original individual track files to clean it up and re-mix it; but in honor of Mothers Day, I decided to just use the mastered stereo tracks that I had already saved to my computer from back then, and make it into like an experimental music video. Because, when I do finally re-record it (God willing) being so long ago already, I'm sure I am not going to make it sound quite like this original (tongue in cheek) version and arrangement to begin with...

The real original version actually goes further back then 2004, and really started out as a kind of progressive, high energy, rock n' roll song (sorta' like in the style of the band 'Kansas') when I played out with The New Era group, back on Long Island. (Which one can see an example of in the 'Live at February's' video here on this website as well). But back then, I just threw together some words for the lyrics, sorta' like intending to eventually polish up that part of the song (later on) as well. (And which I did here, in this current and evolved version). But, when I was living in Maryland (not having grown up there and all) I didn't have a band to work with (to record the track with all the heavy, intense drumming that our then current drummer Dennis was so good at, when we performed live, for example) so as one can hear here, I slowed the song down when I recorded it on my Porta-Studio, to create this current experimental (Demo) version. In other words, you have to pretty much work with what you've got, as the saying goes...

Ya know, when you're doing everything yourself (and learning as you go along) you become not only like, the sole musician/performer, but you also have to learn how to be a recording engineer, and a producer as well; so there can definitely be that massive learning curve there. And so (God willing) I am looking at possibly, some other avenues (such as computer based recording software and the like) to hopefully take the sound (and recordings) to the next level... 



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