The New Era - I'd Be There (Music Video II)

This is a song about having one foot in the past, and one foot in the future, with memories of people and events along the way; after arriving in an unusual and unfamiliar place. It did turn out to be like a memory stamp in time though, and even somewhat prophetic (in more ways then one) when Superstorm (Hurricane) Sandy had hit the east coast (as I was in the process of making another significant change in my life) signifying that I was in for one hell of a wild ride! Such unusual and difficult things in one's life (the storms of life) can also make one very introspective, as one attempts to move forward toward one's ultimate destiny; as was part of the theme of 'The Walkersville Sessions' album, and in relation to some of the other previous (Music Video) tracks that I have shared here, based on songs that became somewhat of an expression of that more serious side of this introspection...

For people who may be able to relate, there IS a message here, that I myself am still trying to understand; as the song seemed to have written itself. It was like being a musical medium or somethin'! It just came thru, as I started out, just writing (in a somewhat lyrically abstract way) about daring to find the way in the direction of one's dreams; but also realizing the possibility, that there very well may also be some more difficulties, dangers, and snares along the way; if for no other reason, then in relation to the things that may have led you to the place you currently may be at to begin with...


Hmm? Interesting. Another great scene from this somewhat unusual flick...


Mmm. While I'm on this, just noticed another somewhat interesting scene from the flick. The movie seems to be strongly influenced, and based on, somethin' like freakin' RIGHT OUT OF 'OPERATION PAPERCLIP'!!! And Project MK ULTRA. Yea, Teddy hated evil people (he was funny that way) and he wound up (as an investigator) in some kind of a psychiatric hospital for the criminally insane!!! (He lost his freakin' mind!) Oh, yea. Deep, dark, psychological thriller for sure. I'm like a student of psychology to begin with, and there's so many clues in this flick (about those who seemed to attempt to set him up there, and about the nature of psychological warfare, created by the professional psychopath mind, or minds) its incredible. (Its like an insight, of how the wiring in their brain is like, deliberately all screwed up). Dark ending though (as it is a dark flick to begin with) 'cause they were drugging poor Teddy against his will (and without him knowing it), as everything else seemed to fail. And, murder, is like always the last resort with these guys, when everything else seems to fail. In other words, if they can't sadistically get someone to kill themselves for instance; as Teddy also wanted to expose the whole freakin' thing from the beginning (and they seemed to know it). Holy sh*t...

Here's another pretty interesting scene. Yea, this flick is like, chock full of interesting sh*t. (From the study and analyzation of this particular kind of dark, criminally insane psychology point of view that is. The writer definitely seems to have done his homework). Hey, I think I worked with her!!! Damn. No way! Only kiddin'. (But not really). Inside joke...

This is one of the many scenes that is like something right out of 'Operation Paperclip'! (In Operation Paperclip, The Military Industrial Complex, particularly the CIA, were recruiting Nazis after the war, and bringing them here to the United States! That is, those who sorta like escaped the Nuremberg Trials. Many of these guys were known to have performed horrific medical experiments in the Concentration Camps; hence the grotesque medical experiments that Teddy strongly suspected, as to what was really going on at Shutter Island. It was like an example of the psychology of individuals within the Dark Side of our Government. On steroids! They were criminally insane, overseeing people in a mental hospital, who were criminally insane! The irony is just incredible). And (as indicated in this particular scene) they seemed to be deviously looking into Teddy, as he was looking into them. He knew, that they were in reality, serious head cases. As the real Rachel Salondo said in the cave scene: "You're allot smarter then you look. That is probably not a good thing..."

Fascinating flick, for more reasons then one. I understand it; although I know many people just don't, or really don't want to believe it. Although, many other people may actually know, in a very real way, some of the things that are like going on behind the scenes, and some may have actually and even knowingly been a part of some kind of like: "Government Ops", in some way, if you will! Its deep man. It always is. But its key (in a way) to allot of sh*t...

In fact, the flick came out when I was still living in Maryland (which is the place where I recorded the 'The Walkersville Sessions' album, that the above song is from) and it just blew me away (no pun intended) for more reasons then one. (I will never forget it. Left, like, a deep impression on me). Whew...


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