I'm Not Particularly Into 9/11 Conspiracy Theories but...

Pretty damn stupid. Are you kiddin' me?!

I'm not particularly into 9/11 conspiracy theories, but where's the fuckin' plane?!

"One of the most guarded, surveilled building in the world Yet 18yrs and we still only have 1 dodgy video from Security box" -Rampage Duke

"Y’all remember when they said they found the hijackers passport in debris lol" -Michelle Hoffman  Whew, oh yea. And it took them something like 5 yrs to look for Eric Rudolph in the woods of western North Carolina, who was only then inadvertently captured by a rookie cop! Hmm? Yep, got it. No brainer. The mind boggles...

Can someone please point out where the plane is ? Lmao -Solitude Guard

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