A Brilliant, Progressive Business Model that they said would never work...

"In a job market full of slave masters, this one is a blessing from heaven. He must be protected at all cost." -Frozentime (YouTube Viewer)

"Imagine treating your employees with dignity, leading to better trust and a more productive team. Who would have thought." -Just a guy (YouTube Viewer)

"I own a restaurant. I had the money to start it up but I needed a partner who I could trust.  We were managers together at a restaurant.  I saw how he treated our employees and the good things that came out of that. NO one quit during his management. Partnerships and restaurants are risky. I never looked back on that decision.  We treat our employees like family and would do anything for them. In turn, they are the reason we have been so successful for 16 years. This man has the right idea!!" -Susie Frades-White (YouTube Viewer)

"That's how you get loyal employees who value their jobs and do the best work they possibly can." -Lee Alexander (YouTube Viewer)

"So a millionaire hangs out with his employees, and maintains his humanity. Go figure." -The Great Dragon (YouTube Viewer)

Whoa, its like having Jesus as your CEO! I mean, this is what Christianity is supposed to be all about, right? (Being that this guy said that he was raised in a Conservative Christian home and all). You can't get a better witness then this. Mitch McConnell, eat sh*t...

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